Opening Song: I Hope They Call Me on a Mission (p169)
Closing Song: Love One Another (p136)
Songs: Thanks to Our Father (p20), My Heavenly Father Loves Me (p228), Children All Over the World (p16), I am A Child of God (p2), I Feel My Savior's Love (p74), For Health and Strength (p21), I Love to See the Temple (p95), Families Can Be Together Forever (p188), It's Autumn Time (p246), If You're Thankful (p266)
Wiggle Song: Head Shoulders Knees and Toes (p275a)
Identify the doctrine: Our Heavenly Father loves us, and to remind us, He has given us daily blessings.
Help the children understand it with Listening and Singing Experiences:
Junior/Senior Primary
Sing Wiggle Song (if needed)
Attention getter: Last week I showed you my Thankful Turkey Book book. This week I made a Thankful Turkey for you! It's different from my book, but another way for you to keep track of things you're thankful for! Today we are going to sing songs about being thankful to give you ideas to draw or write on your turkey at home. This is Tom the Turkey! On the back of each of his feathers is a song about Thanksgiving and autumn time. I'm going to draw your names out of my turkey basket to see who gets to come choose a feather!
- Draw a name from the basket and have that child choose a feather. Put feathers aside after being drawn.
- When the children draw the following songs, take more time to go over and learn them better:
- Thanks to Our Father (p20)
- Children All Over the World (p16)
- Life is O'erflowing with Beautiful Things (the Friend)
- For Health and Strength (p21)
- Do as many as possible within 20 minutes.
Nursery (following singing time, go into Nursery and sing the following songs with them)
- Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam (jump up on "beam", start crouched down)
- I Love to See the Temple (use simple hand gestures for words)
- Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes
- Families Can Be Together Forever (draw circles in the air, switch arms, reverse direction)
- Popcorn Popping (simple hand actions)
- I Am a Child of God (clap then pat knees to keep beat)