Navy Blue Chevron

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Saturday, July 26, 2014

July 27, 2014

Opening Song: The Holy Ghost (105)
Welcome Song: Here We Are Together (256)
Action Songs: Popcorn Popping (242)
Article of Faith Song: The 3rd and 8th (123, 127)
Program Songs: Seek the Lord Early (108), the Family is of God (binder), I Stand All Amazed (H 193)
Happy Birthday Song: Feliz Cumpleanos (282) verse 2
Reverent Song: Father I Will Reverent Be (29)
Closing Song: Baptism (100)
Identify the doctrine: I can know the truth through the power of the Holy Ghost.

Listening and Singing Experiences:

Singing Time: 

Junior Primary (11:15-11:35) 
  1. Action Song: Popcorn Popping (242)
  2. New Song: Seek the Lord Early (108) - Idea found and adapted from HERE.
    Preparation before Singing Time:
    • Cut FLIPCHART (I found this flipchart on Sugardoodle, thanks Kalani, love it!) pictures in half (or have 2 per phrase or something)
    • Put one half on the board
    • Hide the other halves around the room
         During Singing Time:
    • Note: Today is just going to be a brief introduction to the song, so they can hear it and sing it a few times. We'll get into the doctrine more next week. I LOVE this song! 
    • Explain to children that today we are going to learn a new song called "Seek the Lord Early", but we have a problem. I only have one half of each of the flipchart pictures on the board! I need some detectives to help me SEEK for the missing halves of my flipchart! 
    • What does the word SEEK mean? (to find). To help us SEEK for the halves of my flipchart I brought some special detective magnifying glasses! (I found some cheap on Amazon: Plastic Magnifying Glasses) I'm going to give each of you a special detective magnifying glass to help you SEEK while we listen to and sing our new song. (I'll outline the rules of having a magnifying glass, and if any child chooses not to follow the rules, I'll take away their magnifying glass). 
    • I'm going to play the song from our CD rather than have our pianist play it. This way the children can hear the words over and over - and it will be something different from me always singing! I will invite them to sing* along if they'd like! 
    • Choose one child at a time to SEEK for another half of one of the flipchart pictures. Once they find it, they'll bring it to the board and match it to the missing half. Then I'll choose another child to SEEK for another half. 
    • We'll keep going until all the halves have been found. 
    • *Senior Primary Challenge: SING full pictures, HUM half pictures that haven't been "found" yet. (Because the flipchart has the words on each picture, this will make this part easier for the Sr. Primary, but still tricky for the Jr. Primary.)
  1. Review Song: I Stand All Amazed (H 193)
    • Go over and review the adapted ASL we learned for this song, invite children that feel confident with the signs to come up in the front with me.
  2. Activity Song: Kids Choice
  3. Reverent Song: Father I Will Reverent Be (29)
Senior Primary (12:05-12:25) 
Same as Junior except: 
    • Sing the 3rd and 8th Article of Faith songs using pitch leading, go over tricky words.
Nursery (11:00-11:07am) - Choose 5
  1. Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes
  2. Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam
  3. Follow the Prophet (chorus only)
  4. Book of Mormon Stories
  5. Popcorn Popping
  6. Wise Man and the Foolish Man
  7. Families Can Be Together Forever
  8. I Am a Child of God
  9. I Love to See the Temple
  10. My Heavenly Father Loves Me
  11. Fun to Do