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Saturday, March 8, 2014

March 23, 2014

Opening Song: To Think About Jesus (71)
Welcome Song: Here We Are Together (261)
Happy Birthday Song: Feliz Cumpleanos, second verse (282)
Article of Faith Song: The First and Fourth Articles of Faith (122-124)
Action Songs: Book of Mormon Stories (118)
Program Song: I Stand All Amazed (Hymn 193)
Easter Song: Did Jesus Really Live Again (64)
Reverent Song: Father I Will Reverent Be (29)
Closing Song: I'm Trying to Be Like Jesus (78)
Identify the doctrine: I can show respect for the Savior by being reverent.

Listening and Singing Experiences:

Junior Primary/Senior Primary

Singing Time: 

Junior Primary (11:15-11:35)
  1. Action Song: Book of Mormon Stories (118)
  2. Articles of Faith Song: 1 (122). 
  3. I Stand All Amazed (Hymn 193) - Review Verse 1 and Chorus together. Teach sign language for chorus. References: Janelle's lesson plan on, Kami's Simplified ASL.
    • What is our new song about? What is the name of our song? Let's sing through verse 1 using our sign language.

    • Now let's learn the signs for the chorus. Teach one phrase at a time, then sing all the way through. 
  4. Action Song: If You're Happy (266)
  5. Did Jesus Really Live Again (64) - verse 2
    • Draw the question mark and 3 on the board and post the picture of Christ and Mary at the Tomb. Sing through verse 1. 
    • Verse 2 sounds a lot the same. It has a question and an answer too. I'm going to sing it to you. When you hear the question, lift up your question stick. When you hear the answer, lift up your answer stick. (popsicle sticks with construction paper with a question mark and an exclamation point). 
    • What was the question? (Did Jesus come to those He loved?) The answer? (Yes, people touched His feet). Draw a question mark and feet. 
    • The next part of the song tells us 2 things that Jesus ate - what were they? (fish and honeycomb). Draw a fish and honeycomb on the board (or invite a child to come draw).
    • Sing the song all the way through (verses 1-2)
  6. Reverent Song: Father, I Will Reverent Be - sing as the kids are dismissed to class.
Senior Primary (12:05-12:25) 
  1. Action Song: Book of Mormon Stories (118) 
  2. Articles of Faith Songs: 1 and 4. 
  3. I Stand All Amazed (Hymn 193) I referenced Pat Graham's Lesson Plan
    • Sing the song through using the simplified ASL in the video posted above.
    • Do you remember last week we used Melody Maps to sing I Will Follow God's Plan? This week I'm going to show you where to find the melody in the hymnbook. Pass out hymnbooks. Using enlarged print of the song on the board, show the children how to follow "dot-to-dot" or note to note from left to right, just `like we did on the Melody Map.When you get to the bottom of the page, show them how to go to the top of the next page. (Sing slowly as you do this)
  4. Did Jesus Really Live Again (64) - verse 2-3
    • Draw the question mark and 3 on the board and post the picture of Christ and Mary at the Tomb. Sing through verse 1. 
    • Verse 2 follows a similar pattern. Question, answer, and then it teaches us something. I'm going to sing it to you. When you hear the question, stand up. When you hear the answer, sit down.
    • What was the question? (Did Jesus come to those He loved?) The answer? (Yes, people touched His feet). Invite someone to come and draw a question mark and feet in the corresponding columns. 
    • The next part of the song tells us 2 things that Jesus ate - what were they? (fish and honeycomb). Invite someone to come draw a fish and honeycomb on the board.
    • Sing the song all the way through (verses 1-2)
    • Verse 3 switches the pattern. First it teaches us something, then the question, and finally the answer. Sing the verse to the children then draw in the columns (nails/spear, question mark, YES. 
    • Sing verses 1-3.
  5. To Think About Jesus (71) Sing the Reverent Song as the Jr. Primary comes in.
Nursery (11:00-11:07am)
  1. Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes
  2. Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam
  3. Follow the Prophet (chorus only)
  4. Book of Mormon Stories
  5. Popcorn Popping
  6. Wise Man and the Foolish Man
  7. Families Can Be Together Forever
  8. I Am a Child of God
  9. I Love to See the Temple
  10. My Heavenly Father Loves Me
  11. Fun to Do

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