Opening Song: I'm Trying to Be Like Jesus (p78-79)
Closing Song: Follow the Prophet (p110), you choose the verse
Wiggle Songs: Here We Are Together (p261) "in our primary" and using the kids names, have the kids walk in a circle until you start singing the names - then stop and point to 3 kids (in order) and sing their names. Repeat saying the names of 3 new people, continue until you've used everyone's name. Feel free to invite leaders!
Program Song: Stand for the Right (p159)
Review Song: Choose the Right (Hymns #239)
Identify the doctrine: Our prophet, President Monson, teaches us to be true and stand for the right in all we do. To be true means
Help the children understand it:
- Sing Wiggle Songs.
- Attention Getter:
- Play "Guess Who?". Give hints about (President Monson) to the kids, and tell them to raise their hand (don't shout out!) when they think they know who it is. After reading through all of the hints, call on someone to answer. Put the picture of President Monson up on the board (from Choose the Right pictures). Today we are going to sing a song about what our prophet teaches us. And guess what? It's a song you already know! (well, the sunbeams won't)
- Listening and Singing Experiences:
Junior/Senior Primary - Ask Sister Ames to play through the song once. Tell the kids not to sing, but to listen and watch you. Show the flipchart as Emily plays. At the end, ask the kids to raise their hand if they remember the name of the song.
- Sing "Stand for the Right" with the flipchart.
- Now sing phrase by phrase/back and forth to be sure they know the words - and to introduce the words to the Sunbeams and new kids.
- Sing it through again. Tell the kids you will be looking for reverent children that are singing to help you in the next activity.
- Now, remember I told you that I love March because it's the beginning of Spring? Today I have some flowers around the room (tape them up before Primary) that will tell us how to sing "Stand for the Right." Ask one of the reverent children to choose a flower. Repeat 4-5 times.
- Review Choose the Right by mixing up the pictures on the board. Ask the kids to help you put them in order. Sing through verse 1. Repeat with Verse 1 for the Jr. Primary. Repeat with Verse 3 for the Sr. Primary.
- Sing "The More We Get Together" to invite the children into a circle.
- Sing "Popcorn Popping" with hand actions. Invite the older kids to stand by you and do the actions for the younger kids.
- Sing "Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam".
- Sing "I Am a Child of God".
Songs of the Heart (if time left over)