Opening Song: I Am a Child of God (p. 2)
Closing Song: I Love to See the Temple (p. 95)
Wiggle Song: Stand Up (p278)
Program Song: Nephi's Courage (p120)
Review Songs: As a Child of God (2012 Outline), Stand for the Right (p159), Choose the Right (Hymns 239), I Feel My Savior's Love (p74), When I Am Baptized (p103), 4th Article of Faith (p124), the Wise Man and the Foolish Man (p281), Faith (p96)
Identify the doctrine: Review songs!
Help the children understand it:
- 1 minute: Sing Wiggle Song, twice through
- 18 minutes: Listening and Singing Experiences
- 3 minutes: Attention getter: Ya'll did a fantastic job today! You sang beautifully, and I know all the fathers loved your song. I brought something with me today to help us celebrate Father's Day. A laundry basket! Now this isn't just ANY laundry basket. It is full of clothes you might see your dads wear! Shirts, ties, shoes, pants, and more! I am going to look for reverent singers to come choose an item out of my basket. There is a number somewhere on it - it is the number to a song we are going to sing. You may then choose to wear the item, or choose someone else who wants to wear the item to wear it for the rest of singing time. Now, even when you are wearing dad clothes, you must still be reverent singers; if you are distracted by the clothes, you will have to take them off.
- 15 minutes: Sing the corresponding songs as the children choose articles of clothing from the basket. Use flipcharts and posters as necessary.
- As a Child of God - 2012 outline
- Choose the Right - Hymn 239
- Stand for the Right - p.159
- I Feel My Savior's Love - p. 74
- When I Am Baptized - p. 103
- Nephi's Courage - p. 120-121
- Families Can Be Together Forever - p. 188
- The 4th Article of Faith - p. 124
- Faith - p. 96
- The Wise Man and the Foolish Man - p. 281
- Fast Finisher: Songs of the Heart
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