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Friday, December 28, 2012

December 30, 2012

Opening Song: Latter Day Prophets (p134))
Closing Song: Stand for the Right (p159)

Christmas Review Songs: Samuel Tells of the Baby Jesus p.36, Once There Was a Snowman p. 249, Picture a Christmas p. 50, Our Christmas Story Tree (the Friend),  Away in a Manger p. 42, Christmas Bells p. 54, A Shepherd's Carol p. 40, Stars Were Gleaming p. 37, It's Autumntime (but sing winter time, the snow/rain is falling down) p. 246, He Sent His Son p. 34
Identify the doctrine: The Christmas season is one to remember our Savior Jesus Christ.

Listening and Singing Experiences:
Here are the ornament pages I would use:

I planned to print them out and write a number on the back (that corresponds to a Christmas song). I would tape them either under the kids chairs or hide them around the room. Ideally, each child would get to pick or find an ornament. Tell the kids you will choose reverent singers to pick ornaments, to look under their chairs, or you could play the hot/cold game where you have the children start singing in strong voices and when the child searching for an ornament is close to it, the kids sing quieter and quieter.

Here again are the 10 songs we'll be reviewing:
  1. Samuel Tells of the Baby Jesus (p36)
  2. Once There Was a Snowman (p249)
  3. Picture a Christmas (p50)
  4. Our Christmas Story Tree (the Friend)
  5. Away in a Manger (p42)
  6. Christmas Bells (p54)
  7. A Shepherd's Carol (p40)
  8. Stars Were Gleaming (p37)
  9. It's "WinterTime" (p246)
  10. He Sent His Son (p34)
If there is still time, choose from the Songs of the Heart box.

Nursery (following singing time, go into Nursery and sing the following songs with them)
  1. Once There Was a Snowman
  2. Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam
  3. Away in a Manger
  4. Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes
  5. I Am a Child of God

Saturday, December 15, 2012

December 16, 2012

Opening Song: Samuel Tells of the Baby Jesus (p36)

Closing Song: Stars Were Gleaming (p37)

Christmas Song: Our Christmas Story Tree (the Friend)
Review Songs: Samuel Tells of the Baby Jesus (p36), Christmas Bells (p54)
Identify the doctrine: Our Christmas tree and ornaments are symbols of the true meaning of Christmas. These symbols are to remind us of our Savior Jesus Christ and His birth. 

Help the children understand it (Attention Getter): Have mini Christmas tree lit up, ask children to raise their hands if they have a Christmas tree in their homes. Teach them that Christmas trees and their ornaments can help remind us about the true meaning of Christmas. Have the ornaments from the song laid out on the table, show them to the children and have them guess in their minds what they might symbolize/represent. Play the slideshow. Discuss the meaning behind the ornaments as we hang them on the tree (sing it as we hang them). At the end, hand out Christmas Story Tree Matching Sheet

Listening and Singing Experiences:

Junior/Senior Primary

Our Christmas Story Tree

  1. Use hand actions while singing (have children come up with them).
  2. Put pictures of ornaments, etc. up on board (instead of flipchart, next week put on poster)
  3. Clap the melody rhythm.
  4. Keep the beat while singing with feet or patting knees.

Christmas Bells
  1. Review song by singing and having the children join in singing when they think they remember the words as we walk in a circle. Use Christmas bell. Start with Isabella and Emma.
  2. Teach descant (have Emily play it on the piano while the rest sing the melody).
Nursery (following singing time, go into Nursery and sing the following songs with them)
  1. Once There Was a Snowman
  2. Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam
  3. Away in a Manger
  4. Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes
  5. I Am a Child of God

Sunday, December 9, 2012

December 9, 2012

Opening Song: He Sent His Son (p34)
Closing Song: Picture a Christmas (p50)

Christmas Song: Samuel Tells of the Baby Jesus (p36), Christmas Bells (p54)
Review Songs: Picture a Christmas as Closing Song
Identify the doctrine: Even though Jesus was born on another continent, Heavenly Father wanted all of His children to know when Jesus would be born. He sent Samuel the Prophet to tell the people that in 5 years time the Savior would be born. 

Help the children understand it (Attention Getter): Show the Book of Mormon video about Samuel the Lamanite. Have the children tell the story in their own words. Then sing the song to them with the flipchart.

Listening and Singing Experiences:

Junior/Senior Primary

Samuel Tells of the Baby Jesus 
  1. Use to, with, and by method to teach song first time through.
  2. To practice the song, use the dice or how to sing sticks. 
Christmas Bells

  1. Teach song by singing and having the children join in singing when they think they know the words as we walk in a circle. Use Christmas bell.
  2. Choose a super singer to shake Christmas bell (on beat).
  3. If time, teach descant to willing singers (Emma, Isabella, Auden). Have the piano play the descant while leading the rest of the children in the melody.
Nursery (following singing time, go into Nursery and sing the following songs with them)
  1. Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam
  2. Away in a Manger
  3. Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes
  4. I Am a Child of God

Saturday, December 1, 2012

December 2, 2012

Opening Song: He Sent His Son (p34)

Closing Song: I Am a Child of God (p2-3)

Christmas Song: Picture a Christmas (p50)
Review Songs: Away in a Manger (p42)
Identify the doctrine: Heavenly Father loves us so much, He sent His only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ, to show us how to return to live with Him. Jesus was born in a stable. Shepherds came to visit Him that night. The wise men didn't come for another couple of years (that's why we don't sing about them in the song).

Help the children understand it (Attention Getter): Make connection by showing personal pictures of Christmases past. Ask the children to share what they see when they "picture" Christmas (have a partner A and B so everyone gets to share). Then share Gospel Art Kit pictures of Christmas (and connect to how these are pictures of the first Christmas).

Listening and Singing Experiences:

Junior/Senior Primary

Picture a Christmas (Flipchart)
  1. The first 2 phrases tell us to picture something, raise your hand when you hear what they are. (stable in Judea, sacred silent night) Discuss stable and sacred. Have children sing with me and then by themselves.
  2. The next phrase has rhyming words, when you hear what they are touch your nose. (hear and near). Have children sing with me and then by themselves. 
  3. Sing the next phrase to and with children, then have them sing it by themselves.
  4. Sing verse from the beginning. 
  5. When we picture the little baby Jesus, what are we supposed to think about? (His life and words so dear) Sing to, with and by. Have children use the sign language for baby and Jesus.
  6. We should do 2 things as we picture Christmas this year, what are they? (sing praise and remember Him) Sing to, with and by. Have children silent clap for praise and point to head for remember. Sing chorus from beginning. 
  7. Sing verse 1 with  chorus. Have children stand to sing.
  8. What are the 2 words that describe Joseph? Hands on your shoulders when you know (kind and gentle). Sing to, with and by.
  9. What 1 word describes Mary? (fair) Fair = beautiful. Sing to, with and by. 
  10. The next part of a phrase has rhyming words, what are they? (see, rev'rently) Have children sing with me and then by themselves.
  11. Sing the last part of the phrase to and with the children, then have them sing it by themselves.
  12. Sing verse from beginning. Then sing it again with the chorus. Have children march quietly in place.
  13. Sing the whole song through. Have children stand to sing.
Away in a Manger
  1. Review verse 1 with chorus. Work on trouble spots.
  2. If time, teach verses 2-3 using similar method used above. Solo/Duet for these verses?
*Tell children that after singing Away in a Manger and Picture a Christmas we will be singing "Jingle Bells" and "Santa Claus is Coming to Town". We can't practice them in church, so practice them at home during the week. The adults will be joining in to sing with us. 

Nursery (following singing time, go into Nursery and sing the following songs with them)
  1. Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam
  2. Away in a Manger
  3. Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes
  4. I Am a Child of God