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Sunday, December 9, 2012

December 9, 2012

Opening Song: He Sent His Son (p34)
Closing Song: Picture a Christmas (p50)

Christmas Song: Samuel Tells of the Baby Jesus (p36), Christmas Bells (p54)
Review Songs: Picture a Christmas as Closing Song
Identify the doctrine: Even though Jesus was born on another continent, Heavenly Father wanted all of His children to know when Jesus would be born. He sent Samuel the Prophet to tell the people that in 5 years time the Savior would be born. 

Help the children understand it (Attention Getter): Show the Book of Mormon video about Samuel the Lamanite. Have the children tell the story in their own words. Then sing the song to them with the flipchart.

Listening and Singing Experiences:

Junior/Senior Primary

Samuel Tells of the Baby Jesus 
  1. Use to, with, and by method to teach song first time through.
  2. To practice the song, use the dice or how to sing sticks. 
Christmas Bells

  1. Teach song by singing and having the children join in singing when they think they know the words as we walk in a circle. Use Christmas bell.
  2. Choose a super singer to shake Christmas bell (on beat).
  3. If time, teach descant to willing singers (Emma, Isabella, Auden). Have the piano play the descant while leading the rest of the children in the melody.
Nursery (following singing time, go into Nursery and sing the following songs with them)
  1. Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam
  2. Away in a Manger
  3. Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes
  4. I Am a Child of God

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