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Tuesday, August 12, 2014

August 17, 2014

Opening Song: Scripture Power (binder)
Welcome Song: We Welcome You (256)
Action Songs: Hinges (277)
Article of Faith Song: The 5th and 9th (125, 128)
Program Songs: Review all
Happy Birthday Song: You've Had a Birthday (285)
Reverent Song: Father I Will Reverent Be (29)
Closing Song: I Will Follow God's Plan (164)
Identify the doctrine: Scripture study gives me and my family spiritual strength.

Listening and Singing Experiences:

Singing Time: "BACK TO SCHOOL"

Junior Primary (11:15-11:35)/Senior Primary (12:05-12:25) 
  1. Action Song: Hinges (277) - sing once
  2. Ask the children: How many of you have started school? How many of you are going to start school this month? To celebrate, we're going to have our own, "Back to School" day in Primary today. I came prepared with my very own backpack, and in it I brought some very special things. I'm going to need your help going through it! 
  3. Using participation sticks, invite a child to choose an object or a folder from the backpack. Follow the instructions in the folder or from the list below to review our Program songs and sing a few action songs:
    • Math Folder: "count" how many times you sing the word "SEEK" (Seek the Lord Early 108)
    • Writing Folder: "write" your own song, sing Fun to Do (253) and make up your own verses.
    • Science Folder: CLUE: Just like in Science, this song is all about asking questions. (He Sent His Son 34)
    • History Folder: CLUE: What song teaches us about a past prophet who built something large? (Build an Ark, in the binder)
    • Geography Folder: CHALLENGE: Can you name 10 locations of temples? How about 20? (I Love to See the Temple (95)
    • Recess Folder: Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes (275)
    • Chalkboard Eraser: "Erase" words from the song written on the board as you sing it. (Baptism 100)
    • Glue Stick: "Glue" yourself to your chairs to sit reverently while we sing I Stand All Amazed (Hymn 193).
    • Crayons: If you are wearing the color of crayon I pull out, start singing and keep singing until the end of the song! (The Family is of God, in the binder)
    • Scissors: "Cut out" the word "I" from the song I Will Follow God's Plan (164). (clap on that beat instead)
  4. Reverent Song: Father I Will Reverent Be (29)
Nursery (11:00-11:07am) - Choose 5
  1. Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes
  2. Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam
  3. Follow the Prophet (chorus only)*
  4. Book of Mormon Stories
  5. Popcorn Popping
  6. Wise Man and the Foolish Man
  7. Families Can Be Together Forever
  8. I Am a Child of God
  9. I Love to See the Temple*
  10. My Heavenly Father Loves Me
  11. Fun to Do

Monday, August 11, 2014

August 24, 2014

Opening Song: He Sent His Son (34)
Welcome Song: Here We Are Together (256)
Action Songs: If You're Happy (266)
Article of Faith Song: The 6th and 9th (126, 128)
Program Songs: Seek the Lord Early (108), Baptism
Other Songs: I'll Walk With You (140)
Happy Birthday Song: You've Had a Birthday (285)
Reverent Song: Reverently, Quietly (26)
Closing Song: Build An Ark (binder)
Identify the doctrine: The Sabbath is a day of rest and worship.

Listening and Singing Experiences:

Singing Time: I suggest using participation sticks for all the activities today. :)

Junior Primary (11:15-11:35) 
  1. Action Song: If You're Happy (266)
  2. New Song: I'll Walk With You (140)
    • Last week you taught the last part of the song, so today is a review of the whole song.
    • Using the Ooo and Sing sticks, sing through the song 2 times.
  3. Review Song: Seek the Lord Early (108)
    • Using CTR Bear, play Hot/Cold (singing louder and softer as the child looking for the bear gets closer and farther from him)
    • Sing several times.
  4. Action Song: Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam (60)
  5. Review Song: Baptism (100)
    • Your choice/Kids choice of the "How to Sing" sticks (boys vs. girls, louder vs. softer, etc.), sing through 2 times.
  6. Reverent Song: The Chapel Doors (156)
Senior Primary (12:05-12:25) 
Same as Junior except: 
  1. Action Song: If You're Happy (266)
  2. Articles of Faith Songs: 6th and 9th (126, 128)
  3. New Song: I'll Walk With You (140)
    • Last week you taught the last part of the song, so today is a review of the whole song.
    • Using the Ooo and Sing sticks, sing through the song 3 times.
  4. Review Song: Seek the Lord Early (108)
    • Using CTR Bear, play Hot/Cold (singing louder and softer as the child looking for the bear gets closer and farther from him)
    • Sing through several times.
  5. Review Song: Baptism (100)
    • Your choice/Kids choice of the "How to Sing" sticks (boys vs. girls, louder vs. softer, etc.), sing through 3 times.
  6. Reverent Song: The Chapel Doors (156)
Nursery (11:00-11:07am) - Choose 5
  1. Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes
  2. Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam
  3. Follow the Prophet (chorus only)
  4. Book of Mormon Stories
  5. Popcorn Popping
  6. Wise Man and the Foolish Man
  7. Families Can Be Together Forever
  8. I Am a Child of God
  9. I Love to See the Temple
  10. My Heavenly Father Loves Me
  11. Fun to Do

Saturday, August 9, 2014

August 31, 2014

Opening Song: Baptism (100)
Welcome Song: Hello Song (260)
Action Songs: (lesson today)
Program Songs: none today
Other Songs: see Action Songs list below
Happy Birthday Song: You've Had a Birthday (285)
Reverent Song: The Chapel Doors (156)
Closing Song: I Love to See the Temple (95)
Identify the doctrine: (5th Sunday)

Listening and Singing Experiences:

Singing Time: WHAT "SHELL" WE SING" (saw this idea somewhere, not sure where, but thank you to the creative genius out there!)

Junior Primary (11:15-11:35), Senior Primary (12:05-12:25)
  1. For today's Singing Time we'll be doing fun action songs. I'll have a basket filled with shells. On the bottom of each shell I'll tape a piece of paper with a number. That number will correspond to a song on the following list (and as always, I can change up the order of songs if needed):
    • Do As I'm Doing (276)
    • Fun to Do (253)
    • Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes (275)
    • Hinges (277)
    • If You're Happy (266)
    • Once There Was a Snowman (249)
    • Popcorn Popping (242)
    • The Wise Man and the Foolish Man (281)
    • Book of Mormon Stories (118)
    • Nephi's Courage (120)
    • Build an Ark (binder)
    • Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam (60)
    • Follow the Prophet (110) - marching around the room in a line for the chorus
    • Oh What Do You Do In the Summertime (245) 
  2. Reverent Song: The Chapel Doors (156)
Nursery (11:00-11:07am) - Choose 5
  1. Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes
  2. Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam
  3. Follow the Prophet (chorus only)
  4. Book of Mormon Stories
  5. Popcorn Popping
  6. Wise Man and the Foolish Man
  7. Families Can Be Together Forever
  8. I Am a Child of God
  9. I Love to See the Temple
  10. My Heavenly Father Loves Me
  11. Fun to Do

August 10, 2014

Opening Song: I Stand All Amazed (H193)
Welcome Song: Hello Song (260)
Action Songs: Do As I'm Doing (276)
Article of Faith Song: The 8th and 9th (127, 128)
Program Songs: Seek the Lord Early (108), the Family is of God (binder)
Other Songs: I'll Walk With You (140), Oh What Do You Do in the Summertime (245)
Happy Birthday Song: You've Had a Birthday (285)
Reverent Song: To Think About Jesus (71)
Closing Song: Baptism (100)
Identify the doctrine: Family Home Evening strengthens my family.

Listening and Singing Experiences:

Singing Time: 

Junior Primary (11:15-11:35) - use "Reverent Glue" to keep kids in their seats (Have the kids paint their chairs with Reverent Glue before sitting down)
  1. Action Song: Do As I'm Doing - sing 3 times
    • use action circles, have a child choose a circle but not tell the rest of the Primary what the action is, they just have to demonstrate it during the song!
  2. New Song: I'll Walk With You (140) - sing twice
    • Invite the children to walk in place for the first section "I'll walk with you". 
    • For the next section, "If you don't talk" have the children turn and face their partner.
    • "Jesus walked away from none" invite everyone to turn and face me and follow my simple hand actions/signs.
    • At the end when they hear "I'll walk with you" they can again walk in place until the end of the song.
  3. Review Song: Seek the Lord Early (108) - sing 3 times
    • Movement activity: swing arms left (I'll seek), then right (the Lord early), then in a circle (while in my youth) for each phrase. 
    • Use Ooo and Sing sticks
  4. Action Song: Oh What Do You Do in the Summertime? (245) - sing once
    • use simple hand actions to act it out (we've used bags with props in the past)
  5. Reverent Song: To Think About Jesus (71)
Senior Primary (12:05-12:25) 
  1. Action Song: Do As I'm Doing - sing 3 times
    • use action circles, have a child choose a circle but not tell the rest of the Primary what the action is, they just have to demonstrate it during the song!
  2. Articles of Faith Songs: 8th and 9th (127, 128)
    • 9th is new this week! 
  3. New Song: I'll Walk With You (140) - sing twice
    • Invite the children to walk in place for the first section "I'll walk with you". 
    • For the next section, "If you don't talk" have the children turn and face their partner.
    • "Jesus walked away from none" invite everyone to turn and face me and follow my simple hand actions/signs.
    • At the end when they hear "I'll walk with you" they can again walk in place until the end of the song.
  4. Review Song: Seek the Lord Early (108) - sing 2-3 times
    • find rhyming pairs: have 4 sets of 2 lines on the board for the kids to "fill in the blanks" with the rhyming words after singing through the song. Sing as many times as necessary to fill in all the pairs.
  5. Review Song: The Family is of God (binder), verse 4 - sing twice
    • Using the 2 flipcharts, sing through the 4th verse first with the words, then without the words (I have 2 versions printed)
  6. Reverent Song: To Think About Jesus (71)
Nursery (11:00-11:07am) - Choose 5
  1. Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes
  2. Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam
  3. Follow the Prophet (chorus only)*
  4. Book of Mormon Stories
  5. Popcorn Popping
  6. Wise Man and the Foolish Man
  7. Families Can Be Together Forever
  8. I Am a Child of God
  9. I Love to See the Temple*
  10. My Heavenly Father Loves Me
  11. Fun to Do

Saturday, August 2, 2014

August 3, 2014

Opening Song: Build An Ark (binder), both verses
Welcome Song: Hello Song (260)
Action Songs: The Wise Man and the Foolish Man (281)
Article of Faith Song: The 4th and 9th (124, 128)
Program Songs: Seek the Lord Early (108), the Family is of God (binder)
Other Songs: I Am a Child of God (2), Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam (60)
Happy Birthday Song: You've Had a Birthday (285)
Reverent Song: The Chapel Doors (156)
Closing Song: I Love to See the Temple (95)
Identify the doctrine: Pray in your families unto the Father that your families may be blessed (3 Nephi 18:21).

Listening and Singing Experiences:

Singing Time: 

Junior Primary (11:15-11:35) - use "Reverent Glue" to keep kids in their seats (I had the kids paint their chairs with imaginary glue before they sat down last week, worked like a charm)
  1. Action Song: The Wise Man and the Foolish Man (281), use rhythm sticks
  2. New Song: Seek the Lord Early (108) - Repeat activity from last week, found HERE (I forgot my magnifying glasses at home last week, AND we only had 6 children there, so hoping for a better turnout and a better memory tomorrow!)
    • Put one half of the FLIPCHART picture on the board.
    • Hide the other halves around the room.
    • Explain to children that today we are going to practice our new song called "Seek the Lord Early", but we have the SAME problem. I only have one half of each of the flipchart pictures on the board! I need some detectives to help me SEEK for the missing halves of my flipchart! 
    • What does the word SEEK mean? (to find). To help us SEEK for the halves of my flipchart I brought some special detective magnifying glasses! (I found some cheap on Amazon: Plastic Magnifying Glasses) I'm going to give each of you a special detective magnifying glass to help you SEEK while we listen to and sing our new song. (I'll outline the rules of having a magnifying glass, and if any child chooses not to follow the rules, I'll take away their magnifying glass). 
    • I'm going to play the song from our CD rather than have our pianist play it. This way the children can hear the words over and over - and it will be something different from me always singing! I will invite them to sing* along if they'd like! 
    • Choose one child at a time to SEEK for another half of one of the flip chart pictures. Once they find it, they'll bring it to the board and match it to the missing half. Then I'll choose another child to SEEK for another half. 
    • We'll keep going until all the halves have been found. 
  3. Action Song: Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam (60)
  4. Review Song: I Am a Child of God (2) 
    • Keep rhythm by alternating claps and knee taps 
    • Teach them to watch me by pitch leading but holding out certain notes and cutting them off - make it a game! 
  5. Reverent Song: The Chapel Doors (156)
Senior Primary (12:05-12:25) 
Same as Junior except: 
  1. Action Song: The Wise Man and the Foolish Man (281), use rhythm sticks
  2. Articles of Faith Songs: 4th and 9th (124, 128)
    • 9th is new this week! 
  3. New Song: Seek the Lord Early (108) - Repeat activity from last week, found HERE
    • Follow similar format as outlined above, except use quarter pieces, not halves hidden around the room. I'll only have one quarter of each flip chart piece on the board. 
    • Challenge: SING full pictures, HUM incomplete pictures.
  4. Review Song: The Family is of God (binder)
    • Hand out word strips to the children and teachers.
    • Ask them to put them under the appropriate verse. Ask the pianist to play the song quietly in the background.
    • Sing the song through, one verse at a time and make any corrections necessary. 
  5. Reverent Song: The Chapel Doors (156)
Nursery (11:00-11:07am) - Choose 5
  1. Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes
  2. Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam
  3. Follow the Prophet (chorus only)
  4. Book of Mormon Stories
  5. Popcorn Popping
  6. Wise Man and the Foolish Man
  7. Families Can Be Together Forever
  8. I Am a Child of God
  9. I Love to See the Temple
  10. My Heavenly Father Loves Me
  11. Fun to Do