Opening Song: I Am a Child of God (p 2)
Closing Song: Away in a Manger (p 42)
Music Time:
- 5 minutes - Self Introduction
- Things in a bag (BYU hat, teacher plaque, sunscreen)
- 5 minutes - "Here We Are Together" (p 261)
- To learn children's names - 3 names at a time, then altogether
- 10 minutes - "Stars Were Gleaming" (p 37)
- Intro song - story of Christ's birth (THE best story EVER!), 1st verse talks about the shepherds, the 2nd verse talks about the wise men who all came to see baby Jesus, lots of "-ing" words and other rhyming words.
- Have children sing 1st verse to assess knowledge (identify problem areas)
- Create hand motions with children for each phrase (sing 1 phrase at a time)
- Sing 1st verse with hand motions, repeat as needed
- Have children sing 2nd verse to assess knowledge (identify problem areas)
- Will work on 2nd verse next week!
- Fast Finisher: Leaf Songs (November)
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