Navy Blue Chevron

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Thursday, December 1, 2011

December 4, 2011

Opening Song: Away in a Manger (p 42)
Closing Song: Reverence is Love (p 31)

Music Time: "Stars Were Gleaming" (p 37)

  1. 1 minute - Have older kids come to the front and model the actions we came up with last week for the 1st verse.
  2. 3 minutes - Introduce flip chart for 1st verse by singing the song with the flip chart TO the kids. Remind the kids that we won't be using our actions during our program. Also remind kids that we are telling the story of the night of Christ's birth! This is THE best story EVER! 
  3. 1 minute - Have kids sing the 1st verse WITH me using the flip chart. 1st verse only. Repeat only if needed.
  4. 2 minutes - Introduce the 2nd verse - this is the part of the story that tells about the wise men! (the 1st verse is about the shepherds) Sing the 2nd verse with the flip chart TO the kids. 
  5. 5-7 minutes - Talk about the 2nd verse using the flip chart - the story line, the rhyming words (there are LOTS), point out that there are 3 "g" words right in a row (going, gleaming, glowing), etc.
  6. 1 minute - Have kids sing the 2nd verse WITH me using the flip chart. Listen for trouble spots.
  7. 2 minutes - Sing 2nd verse again, using flip chart - this time have kids stand up every time they sing an "-ing" word. There are LOTS! Perhaps sing it slowly to give them time to think about words and stand up.
  8. Fast Finisher: Leaf Songs


  1. I LOVE this!!!! Thank you SO much for sharing!! :) Would it be possible to share a link for us to open it as either a MS Word document or a PDF? When I saved and printed as individual pictures (jpg) it came out really small and hard to see, is why I ask :(

    1. Elizabeth, I can definitely send you the file! Would tomorrow be soon enough?

    2. Oh that would be awesome, thank you!! I was going to try and use it for today (I'm a horrible procrastinator, I know!! :( but have found something else I can use for today but would love to use yours for next week if at all possible :)

  2. This is so great! I'm hoping to use this flipchart on Sunday but I can't figure out how to print it. Can you possibly send me the pdf?

  3. I would like to use this flip chart but it won't print out right, Is there anyway that you could send me a pdf of it?
