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Sunday, April 22, 2012

April 22, 2012

Opening Song: Stand for the Right (p159) 
Closing Song: Teach Me to Walk in the Light (p177)

Wiggle Songs: Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam (p60-61), Popcorn Popping (p242), If You're Happy (p266)

Program Song: I Feel My Savior's Love (p74)

Mother's Day: Mother, I Love You (p207)
Review Song: none today! 
Identify the doctrine: Jesus Christ teaches me to choose the right. He loves me, and I can feel His love.

Help the children understand it:
  1. Sing Wiggle Songs.
    • Listening and Singing Experiences:

      Junior/Senior Primary
      • Wiggle Songs 
      • Have children sit in a circle, ask children to think about how they feel as I show them pictures of Jesus Christ. Ask Emily to play I Feel My Savior's Love, and show the primary pictures of Christ with children. Afterwards, ask a few children to share their feelings. Teach that Jesus Christ loves each of us. He wants us to feel His love. Today we are going to learn a song that teaches us a few of the ways that we can feel our Savior's love. Before we do, do you know what Savior means? It is a name we give Jesus that means He saves us. Jesus has saved us from sin (our mistakes) and death. Because He has saved us, we can repent and be resurrected. 
      • Sing the 1st verse and chorus to the kids using flip chart for verses and simplified sign language for chorus. If the kids or teachers know the song, they are invited to sing along. 
      • Teach the signs and song, building one line at a time. Repeat for 2nd and 3rd verse with Senior.
      • Mother's Day Song: Mother, I Love You. In a few weeks we are going to sing in Sacrament Mtg for our moms. (Have flipchart on board)
      • Sing song to the kids, ask them to listen for how many times I sing "mother" in the 1st verse. Sing the song with the kids, when we say "mother" have them sign it. 
      • Sing the song again, this time listening for how many times I sing "you". Sing the song with the kids, when we say "you" have them sign it.
      • Teach the song, building one line at a time.
      • Sing "The More We Get  Together" to invite the children into a circle.
      • Sing "Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam". (invite 2 kids to hold up the sunbeam sticks)
      • Sing "My Heavenly Father Loves Me". (use flipchart)
      • Sing "Head Shoulders Knees and Toes".
      • Sing "I Am a Child of God".
      Help them apply it in their lives: I know that our Savior Jesus Christ loves us, and He wants us to feel His love. This week, I want you to find one way that you can feel your Savior's love.

      Songs of the Heart

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