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Saturday, April 28, 2012

April 29, 2012

Opening Song: Choose the Right (Hymn #239) 
Closing Song: As a Child of God (outline)

Wiggle Songs: The Wise Man and the Foolish Man (p281), I Wiggle (p271)

Program Song: I Feel My Savior's Love (p74)

Mother's Day: Mother, I Love You (p207)
Review Songs: Choose the Right, As a Child of God (opening and closing songs)
Identify the doctrine: Jesus Christ teaches me to choose the right. He loves me, and I can feel His love.

Help the children understand it:
  1. Sing Wiggle Songs.
    • Listening and Singing Experiences:

      Junior/Senior Primary
      • Wiggle Songs 
      • I Feel My Savior's Love: Sing to the children with signs for 1st verse and chorus. Invite them to sing along if they remember the words. Review the signs with them, one phrase at a time, build upon each phrase.
      • Invite one of the teachers to use the Sing-o-Meter (judging only on words, not signs). Repeat 2 more times. (Total of 3 times)
      • Mother, I Love You: Sing the song to the children, putting the flipchart pictures up on the board while singing. Invite them to sing along if they remember the words. 
      • Dialogue/Prompts: "This time when we sing..." (build on each action so you're doing all of them by the end)
        • let's sign 'mother' each time we sing it
        • stomp our feet right then left on the word 'moth-er' (still sign)
        • let's clap our hands three times on the words 'I love you'
        • let's point our finger when we sing 'you'
        • let's tap our head on the word 'me'
          *With Jr. Primary, only do as much as they're able (up until clapping)
      • Let's sing it in "performance mode". Performance mode means to practice standing up together, singing reverently, watching me.
      • Sing "The More We Get  Together" to invite the children into a circle.
      • Sing "Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam". (invite 2 kids to hold up the sunbeam sticks)
      • Teach: "I Love to See the Temple" (start with showing picture of Mt. Timp, Oakland, and LA)
      • Sing "I Am a Child of God"
      Help them apply it in their lives: I know that our Savior Jesus Christ loves us, and He wants us to feel His love. This week, I want you to find one way that you can feel your Savior's love.

      Songs of the Heart


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