Closing Song: Choose the Right Way (p160) - use sign language
Program Song: I Am a Child of God (p2) - all verses
Other Songs: I Know My Father Lives (p5), I Will Follow God's Plan (p164)
Wiggle Songs: Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes (p275) - Junior
Do As I'm Doing (p276) - Senior
Identify the doctrine: Because we are children of God, He gave us a special gift called agency. Agency means we can choose for ourselves. When we make choices there are always consequences. Consequences are what happens because of our choice. There are good and bad/positive and negative consequences. Our Heavenly Father wants us to always choose the right so He can bless us.
Help the children understand it: (use for both Jr and Sr)
Today we are going to play a game to help you understand more about agency AND help us review the songs we have learned this month:
- On the floor you see there are different pictures that represent choices we make. I will draw names out of my can to see who gets to come and throw the bean bag onto one of my pictures. After you land on a picture, we will talk about what the consequences are to your choice. We will then sing the song or verses at the bottom!
- Pictures will include:
Listening and Singing Experiences:
Junior Primary
I Am a Child of God
- Verse 1: Pitch leading, sign language on chorus.
- Verse 2: Poster, sign language on chorus.
- Verse 3: Poster, sign language on chorus.
- Testify to the children that our Heavenly Father lives and loves them. They can know too by praying and asking for the Spirit to tell them it is true.
- Use the flipchart.
- Testify that our Heavenly Father's plan is a plan of happiness. Living by His plan is how we can return to live with Him in the Celestial Kingdom. This is a song about that plan.
- Use the flipchart.
Senior Primary
I Am a Child of God
I Am a Child of God
- Verse 1: Pitch leading, sign language on chorus.
- Verse 2: Poster, sign language on chorus.
- Verse 3: Poster, sign language on chorus.
- Verse 4: Poster, sign language on chorus.
- Use the flipchart.
- Use the flipchart.
Wiggle Song: Do As I'm Doing (p176)
Nursery (following Jr. singing time, go into Nursery and sing the following songs with them)
- Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam
- Give Said the Little Stream
- I Feel My Savior's Love
- I Love to See the Temple
- Families Can Be Together Forever
- I Am a Child of God