Closing Song: I Am a Child of God (p2-3)
Program Song: I Am a Child of God (p2)
Wiggle Songs: Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam (p60)
Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes (p275)
Identify the doctrine: I am a child of God. God is my Heavenly Father. He knows and loves me.
Help the children understand it:
Tell children that this year our theme is "I Am a Child of God". Bear testimony that each child is a child of God, that He is their Heavenly Father, and that He knows them by name and loves them. Show the video, "I Am a Child of God" made by the church on the Mormon Channel on YouTube:
Tell the children that they will sing the first verse twice and then the second verse once. Invite the children to sing along. Tell them that we will be learning the second verse today, so don't worry if they don't know the words yet! (Especially our new little Sunbeams!)
Listening and Singing Experiences:
Junior Primary
- Sing the second verse to them, phrase by phrase. Have them sing each phrase back to me. (Mirror Singing)
- Keep the beat by clapping, patting knees while singing.
- Use How To Sing Sticks if time.
Wiggle Songs: Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam
Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes - Sing the first and second verses together once.
- Bear testimony and explain 2013 Primary Music CD's.
Senior Primary
- Invite the children to sing verse 2. Listen for any trouble spots. Fix with Mirror Singing.
- Teach the children verse 3 using Mirror Singing, Keep the Beat (clapping, patting, walking), and How To Sing Sticks.
Wiggle Songs: Do As I'm Doing
Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes - Sing verses 1-3 together once.
- Bear testimony and explain 2013 Primary Music CD's.
Nursery (following singing time, go into Nursery and sing the following songs with them)
- Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam
- Give Said the Little Stream
- I Feel My Savior's Love
- I Love to See the Temple
- Families Can Be Together Forever
- I Am a Child of God
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