I'm a former 4th grade teacher and an avid planner - so you'll find lesson plans here rather than creative genius! I gather ideas from other creative primary choristers online, add my own twists and voila! Lesson plan. Enjoy and thank you to all you other choristers that make my calling so much easier and fun!
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Saturday, March 8, 2014
March 30, 2014
Opening Song: I Will Follow God's Plan (164)
Welcome Song: Here We Are Together (261)
Happy Birthday Song: Feliz Cumpleanos, second verse (282)
Article of Faith Song: The Second and Fourth Articles of Faith (122-124)
Action Songs: Do As I'm Doing (276)
Program Song: I Stand All Amazed (Hymn 193)
Review Song: He Sent His Son (34)
Easter Song: Did Jesus Really Live Again (64)
Reverent Song: Father I Will Reverent Be (29)
Closing Song: The First Article of Faith (122)
Identify the doctrine: (Bishopric Sharing Time)
Listening and Singing Experiences:
Junior Primary/Senior Primary
Singing Time:
Senior Primary (12:05-12:25)
Welcome Song: Here We Are Together (261)
Happy Birthday Song: Feliz Cumpleanos, second verse (282)
Article of Faith Song: The Second and Fourth Articles of Faith (122-124)
Action Songs: Do As I'm Doing (276)
Program Song: I Stand All Amazed (Hymn 193)
Review Song: He Sent His Son (34)
Easter Song: Did Jesus Really Live Again (64)
Reverent Song: Father I Will Reverent Be (29)
Closing Song: The First Article of Faith (122)
Identify the doctrine: (Bishopric Sharing Time)
Listening and Singing Experiences:
Junior Primary/Senior Primary
Singing Time:
Junior Primary (11:15-11:35) - Review
- Action Song: Do As I'm Doing (276)
- Articles of Faith Song: 4 (124).
- Did Jesus Really Live Again (64)
- Review Activity: Hide pictures under chairs. Have children look for pictures as the pianist plays softly.
- Sing the song a verse at a time and ask the children to listen for the part of the song their picture is about.
- Invite the child with the corresponding picture to come put it on the poster (on the appropriate velcro dot). When all the pictures are on the poster, sing the song again (verses 1-3) and flip the poster over for the last phrase.
- He Sent His Son (34) - stand when you sing "how", sit when you sing "he"
- I Stand All Amazed (Hymn 193) - ASL
- Reverent Song: Father, I Will Reverent Be - sing as the kids are dismissed to class.
- Action Song: Do As I'm Doing (276)
- Articles of Faith Songs: 2 and 4.
- He Sent His Son (34) - 6 minutes
- Split the children into 2 groups (and evenly divide teachers). Give one group question sticks, the other answer sticks. The question group will only sing the questions, the answer group will only sing the answers. It may take a couple tries to get it down, then switch roles! (don't have to use the sticks)
- Did Jesus Really Live Again (64) - 6 minutes
- Review Activity: hand out pictures to each child. Sing the song and when the children hear their part of the song, they can come up and put it on the poster - but they have to keep singing!
- Sing the song all the way through (verses 1-3) and flip the poster over at the last phrase.
- I Stand All Amazed (Hymn 193) - 6 minutes
- Share video:
- Father, I Will Reverent Be (29) Sing the Reverent Song as the Jr. Primary comes in.
Nursery (11:00-11:07am)
- Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes
- Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam
- Follow the Prophet (chorus only)
- Book of Mormon Stories
- Popcorn Popping
- Wise Man and the Foolish Man
- Families Can Be Together Forever
- I Am a Child of God
- I Love to See the Temple
- My Heavenly Father Loves Me
- Fun to Do
March 23, 2014
Opening Song: To Think About Jesus (71)
Welcome Song: Here We Are Together (261)
Happy Birthday Song: Feliz Cumpleanos, second verse (282)
Article of Faith Song: The First and Fourth Articles of Faith (122-124)
Action Songs: Book of Mormon Stories (118)
Program Song: I Stand All Amazed (Hymn 193)
Easter Song: Did Jesus Really Live Again (64)
Reverent Song: Father I Will Reverent Be (29)
Closing Song: I'm Trying to Be Like Jesus (78)
Identify the doctrine: I can show respect for the Savior by being reverent.
Listening and Singing Experiences:
Junior Primary/Senior Primary
Singing Time:
Senior Primary (12:05-12:25)
Welcome Song: Here We Are Together (261)
Happy Birthday Song: Feliz Cumpleanos, second verse (282)
Article of Faith Song: The First and Fourth Articles of Faith (122-124)
Action Songs: Book of Mormon Stories (118)
Program Song: I Stand All Amazed (Hymn 193)
Easter Song: Did Jesus Really Live Again (64)
Reverent Song: Father I Will Reverent Be (29)
Closing Song: I'm Trying to Be Like Jesus (78)
Identify the doctrine: I can show respect for the Savior by being reverent.
Listening and Singing Experiences:
Junior Primary/Senior Primary
Singing Time:
Junior Primary (11:15-11:35)
- Action Song: Book of Mormon Stories (118)
- Articles of Faith Song: 1 (122).
- I Stand All Amazed (Hymn 193) - Review Verse 1 and Chorus together. Teach sign language for chorus. References: Janelle's lesson plan on Sugardoodle.net, Kami's Simplified ASL.
- What is our new song about? What is the name of our song? Let's sing through verse 1 using our sign language.
- Now let's learn the signs for the chorus. Teach one phrase at a time, then sing all the way through.
- Action Song: If You're Happy (266)
- Did Jesus Really Live Again (64) - verse 2
- Draw the question mark and 3 on the board and post the picture of Christ and Mary at the Tomb. Sing through verse 1.
- Verse 2 sounds a lot the same. It has a question and an answer too. I'm going to sing it to you. When you hear the question, lift up your question stick. When you hear the answer, lift up your answer stick. (popsicle sticks with construction paper with a question mark and an exclamation point).
- What was the question? (Did Jesus come to those He loved?) The answer? (Yes, people touched His feet). Draw a question mark and feet.
- The next part of the song tells us 2 things that Jesus ate - what were they? (fish and honeycomb). Draw a fish and honeycomb on the board (or invite a child to come draw).
- Sing the song all the way through (verses 1-2)
- Reverent Song: Father, I Will Reverent Be - sing as the kids are dismissed to class.
- Action Song: Book of Mormon Stories (118)
- Articles of Faith Songs: 1 and 4.
- I Stand All Amazed (Hymn 193) - I referenced Pat Graham's Lesson Plan
- Sing the song through using the simplified ASL in the video posted above.
- Do you remember last week we used Melody Maps to sing I Will Follow God's Plan? This week I'm going to show you where to find the melody in the hymnbook. Pass out hymnbooks. Using enlarged print of the song on the board, show the children how to follow "dot-to-dot" or note to note from left to right, just `like we did on the Melody Map.When you get to the bottom of the page, show them how to go to the top of the next page. (Sing slowly as you do this)
- Did Jesus Really Live Again (64) - verse 2-3
- Draw the question mark and 3 on the board and post the picture of Christ and Mary at the Tomb. Sing through verse 1.
- Verse 2 follows a similar pattern. Question, answer, and then it teaches us something. I'm going to sing it to you. When you hear the question, stand up. When you hear the answer, sit down.
- What was the question? (Did Jesus come to those He loved?) The answer? (Yes, people touched His feet). Invite someone to come and draw a question mark and feet in the corresponding columns.
- The next part of the song tells us 2 things that Jesus ate - what were they? (fish and honeycomb). Invite someone to come draw a fish and honeycomb on the board.
- Sing the song all the way through (verses 1-2)
- Verse 3 switches the pattern. First it teaches us something, then the question, and finally the answer. Sing the verse to the children then draw in the columns (nails/spear, question mark, YES.
- Sing verses 1-3.
- To Think About Jesus (71) Sing the Reverent Song as the Jr. Primary comes in.
Nursery (11:00-11:07am)
- Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes
- Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam
- Follow the Prophet (chorus only)
- Book of Mormon Stories
- Popcorn Popping
- Wise Man and the Foolish Man
- Families Can Be Together Forever
- I Am a Child of God
- I Love to See the Temple
- My Heavenly Father Loves Me
- Fun to Do
March 16, 2014
Opening Song: Jesus Has Risen (70)
Welcome Song: Here We Are Together (261)
Happy Birthday Song: Feliz Cumpleanos (282)
Article of Faith Song: The Second and Fourth Articles of Faith (122-124)
Action Songs: The Wise Man and the Foolish Man (281)
Program Song: I Stand All Amazed (Hymn 193)
Review Song: I Will Follow God's Plan (164)
Reverent Song: To Think About Jesus (71)
Closing Song: Did Jesus Really Live Again, verse 1 only (64)
Identify the doctrine: Jesus Christ was resurrected, and I will be too.
Listening and Singing Experiences:
Junior Primary/Senior Primary
Singing Time:
Senior Primary (12:05-12:25)
Welcome Song: Here We Are Together (261)
Happy Birthday Song: Feliz Cumpleanos (282)
Article of Faith Song: The Second and Fourth Articles of Faith (122-124)
Action Songs: The Wise Man and the Foolish Man (281)
Program Song: I Stand All Amazed (Hymn 193)
Review Song: I Will Follow God's Plan (164)
Reverent Song: To Think About Jesus (71)
Closing Song: Did Jesus Really Live Again, verse 1 only (64)
Identify the doctrine: Jesus Christ was resurrected, and I will be too.
Listening and Singing Experiences:
Junior Primary/Senior Primary
Singing Time:
Junior Primary (11:15-11:35)
- Action Song: The Wise Man and the Foolish Man (281)
- Articles of Faith Song: 2 (122).
- I Will Follow God's Plan (164)
- Sing through using all the actions.
- Invite a Super Singer to come up and use the STOP and GO stick. For Junior Primary, stop the song completely and then resume singing where you left off. This will teach the children to watch whoever is leading the music. Repeat.
- I Stand All Amazed (Hymn 193) - review chorus, verse 1. I referred to Janelle's lesson plan on Sugardoodle.net, but ultimately chose to use simplified ASL to teach verse 1 using Kami's Simplified ASL.
- Who can remember what our new song is about? Show Gethsemane pictures again. Do you remember how many times we sing “wonderful” in the chorus? Do you remember the rhythm of “wonderful”? Let’s sing the chorus and clap on wonderful and the other two phrases that have that same rhythm. Sing chorus again, but do NOT sing the words on the clapping. Repeat.
- Sing verse 1 to the children using these signs. (not the chorus yet)
- Invite the children to sing/sign each of the 4 phrases with you. Briefly explain what the words mean (can just explain overall meaning of each phrase):
- stand - doesn't mean standing up, but to feel strongly
- amazed - surprised
- offers - gives
- confused - I don't understand it
- grace - help from Jesus Christ because He loves us
- fully - completely
- proffers - gives
- tremble - shake
- crucified - show picture
- sinner - someone who makes mistakes
- Emphasize signing "me" - Jesus did things things for us because He loves us. I want the children to come away hearing and feeling that their Savior loves them.
- Action Song: Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam (60)
- Reverent Song: Father, I Will Reverent Be - sing as the kids are dismissed to class.
- The Wise Man and the Foolish Man (281)
- Articles of Faith Songs: 2 and 4.
- I Will Follow God's Plan (64)
- Post Melody Maps on the board in random order. Sing the song and have the children figure out what the papers have to do with the song. (the circles represent the notes, or the melody of the song)
- Challenge them to put the Melody Maps in order.
- Sing through the song again, this time, invite them to pitch lead using the Melody Maps as a guide.
- I Stand All Amazed (Hymn 193) - I referenced Pat Graham's Lesson Plan
- Who can remember what our new song is about? Show Gethsemane pictures again. Do you remember how many times we sing “wonderful” in the chorus? Do you remember the rhythm of “wonderful”? Let’s sing the chorus and clap on wonderful and the other two phrases that have that same rhythm. Sing chorus again, but do NOT sing the words on the clapping. Repeat.
- Today we're going to learn verse 1. Verse 1 has other words and phrases with the same bouncy rhythm as "wonderful". I'm going to sing the verse again, listen for and find 4 other words and phrases! ("offers me", "proffers me", "crucified", "bled and died"). Put word strips for each one up on the board in a left side column. Sing the words/phrase and clap the rhythm.
- There are 2 words that mean to give, what are they? (offer, proffer). Sing those parts. What is Jesus giving us? (love, grace - see definition above)
- What word means to be killed on a cross? (crucified). It surprises me that wicked people killed Jesus just because they didn't understand who He was.
- Our song uses another word that means surprised in the first line, what is it? (amazed).
- Our song says "that for me a sinner" - what is a sinner? (someone who makes mistakes) Bear testimony that because Jesus loves us and He knew we would make mistakes, He suffered, or paid the price for our sins. Sing that part.
- Sing the song through using the simplified ASL in the video posted above.
- To Think About Jesus (71) Sing the Reverent Song as the Jr. Primary comes in.
Nursery (11:00-11:07am)
- Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes
- Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam
- Follow the Prophet (chorus only)
- Book of Mormon Stories
- Popcorn Popping
- Wise Man and the Foolish Man
- Families Can Be Together Forever
- I Am a Child of God
- I Love to See the Temple
- My Heavenly Father Loves Me
- Fun to Do
Friday, March 7, 2014
March 9, 2014
Opening Song: He Sent His Son (34)
Welcome Song: Here We Are Together (261)
Happy Birthday Song: Feliz Cumpleanos (282)
Article of Faith Song: The Third and Fourth Articles of Faith (123-124)
Action Songs: If You're Happy (266), Head Shoulders Knees and Toes (275), The Wise Man and the Foolish Man (281)
Program Song: I Stand All Amazed (Hymn 193)
Easter Song: Did Jesus Really Live Again (64)
Reverent Song: To Think About Jesus (71)
Closing Song: I Will Follow God's Plan (164)
Identify the doctrine: Through the Atonement of Jesus Christ I can repent and be forgiven of my sins. Jesus loved us so much that He died for us. Because Jesus was resurrected, we will be resurrected too.
Listening and Singing Experiences:
Junior Primary/Senior Primary
Singing Time:
Senior Primary (12:05-12:25)
Welcome Song: Here We Are Together (261)
Happy Birthday Song: Feliz Cumpleanos (282)
Article of Faith Song: The Third and Fourth Articles of Faith (123-124)
Action Songs: If You're Happy (266), Head Shoulders Knees and Toes (275), The Wise Man and the Foolish Man (281)
Program Song: I Stand All Amazed (Hymn 193)
Easter Song: Did Jesus Really Live Again (64)
Reverent Song: To Think About Jesus (71)
Closing Song: I Will Follow God's Plan (164)
Identify the doctrine: Through the Atonement of Jesus Christ I can repent and be forgiven of my sins. Jesus loved us so much that He died for us. Because Jesus was resurrected, we will be resurrected too.
Listening and Singing Experiences:
Junior Primary/Senior Primary
Singing Time:
Junior Primary (11:15-11:35)
- Action Songs: Head Shoulders Knees and Toes (275)
- Articles of Faith Song: 4.
- I Stand All Amazed (Hymn 193) - Chorus only. Thank you to Janelle (found her lesson plan on Sugardoodle) for this amazing lesson plan! I'd found a bunch of ideas from various blogs, but hers incorporated all my favorite elements and were already organized!
- Ask the pianist to quietly play the chorus in the background. Show children a picture of Christ in Gethsemane and Christ on the cross. Have them quietly raise their hands if they can tell you about these pictures. Call on a few children to give their answers. Ask why Christ did these things for us – because He loves us. Explain that we are going to learn a hymn from the Hymnbook (show them the Hymnbook). They may have heard it sung in Sacrament Meeting.
- Tell them you are going to sing the chorus (the ending part) and you want them to count how many times you sing “wonderful” on their fingers. Sing and get answers by having the children hold up their fingers with how many times they heard the word.
- Tell them that each time you sang “wonderful” it had a special rhythm. Clap the rhythm. It's a bouncy rhythm. Have them clap the bouncy rhythm with you while saying “wonderful”. (The rhythm is “long – short – long”.)
- Sing the chorus again while everyone claps the correct rhythm on “wonderful”.
- Have them listen for 2 other times in the chorus where you sing the same rhythm (long – short – long), but different words. Sing and get answers. (care for me, die for me)
- Have them sing the chorus with you clapping on all the “long-short-long” rhythms. (wonderful, care for me, die for me, wonderful, wonderful).
- The Wise Man and the Foolish Man (281)
- Did Jesus Really Live Again (64)
- In April we have been invited to sing on Easter Sunday in Sacrament Meeting! Raise your hand if you know why we celebrate Easter. Call on a child to answer - to remember that Christ died and was resurrected so that we too can live again. Show
- We're only going to learn the first of three verses today. I am going to sing you the first verse. The song asks us a question and then gives us the answer. When you hear the question, stand up. When you hear the answer, sit down.
- What was the question? (Did Jesus really live again?) What was the answer? (Yes, when the third day came.) Sing the children's responses back to them to familiarize them with the melody.
- After the question and answer, the song tells us 3 things that Jesus DID. Count them on your fingers when you hear them.
- What were the 3 things? (wakened, left the tomb, called Mary's name) To help us remember the 3 things, let's look at this picture. We can see the Jesus awoke, he left the tomb, and he's talking to Mary.
- Sing the song through once.
- Reverent Song: Father, I Will Reverent Be - sing as the kids are dismissed to class.
- If You're Happy (266) - sing twice.
- Articles of Faith Songs: 3 and 4.
- I Stand All Amazed (Hymn 193)
- Ask the pianist to quietly play the chorus in the background. Show children a picture of Christ in Gethsemane and Christ on the cross. Have them quietly raise their hands if they can tell you about these pictures. Call on a few children to give their answers. Ask why Christ did these things for us – because He loves us. Explain that we are going to learn a hymn from the Hymnbook (show them the Hymnbook). They may have heard it sung in Sacrament Meeting.
- Tell them you are going to sing the chorus (the ending part) and you want them to count how many times you sing “wonderful”. Sing and get answers. (3)
- Tell them that each time you sang “wonderful” it had a special rhythm. Clap the rhythm. It's a bouncy rhythm. Have them clap the bouncy rhythm with you while saying “wonderful”. (The rhythm is “long – short – long”.)
- Sing the chorus again while everyone claps the correct rhythm on “wonderful”.
- Tell them one of the times you sing “wonderful” you hold it longer. Have them listen for this while you sing. Sing again and have children hold up their fingers in the arm to indicate while time “wonderful” was held longer. (2nd time you sing it).
- Have them listen for 2 other times in the chorus where you sing the same rhythm (long – short – long), but different words. Sing and get answers. (care for me, die for me)
- Have them sing the chorus with you clapping on all the “long-short-long” rhythms. (wonderful, care for me, die for me, wonderful, wonderful).
- Did Jesus Really Live Again (64)
- In April we have been invited to sing on Easter Sunday in Sacrament Meeting! Raise your hand if you know why we celebrate Easter. Call on a child to answer - to remember that Christ died and was resurrected so that we too can live again. Show
- We're only going to learn the first of three verses today. I am going to sing you the first verse. The song asks us a question and then gives us the answer. When you hear the question, raise your hand like you do in school when you have a question. When you hear the answer, put your hand down.
- What was the question? (Did Jesus really live again?)
- Draw question mark on the board.
- What was the answer? (Yes, when the third day came.)
- Draw the number 3 on the board.
- Sing the children's responses back to them to familiarize them with the melody.
- After the question and answer, the song tells us 3 things that Jesus DID. Count them on your fingers when you hear them.
- What were the 3 things? (wakened, left the tomb, called Mary's name) As they list the 3 things, put picture up on the board after the number 3.
- Sing the song through once.
- To Think About Jesus (71) Sing the Reverent Song as the Jr. Primary comes in.
Nursery (11:00-11:07am)
- Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes
- Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam
- Follow the Prophet (chorus only)
- Book of Mormon Stories
- Popcorn Popping
- Wise Man and the Foolish Man
- Families Can Be Together Forever
- I Am a Child of God
- I Love to See the Temple
- My Heavenly Father Loves Me
- Fun to Do
Saturday, March 1, 2014
March 2, 2014
Ugh. Out with a migraine today so doing a review of last week. Thanks Emily for subbing!!!
Opening Song:
Welcome Song: We Welcome You (p256) - 1st part only
Happy Birthday Song: Feliz Cumpleanos (282)
Article of Faith Song: The Third and Fourth Articles of Faith (123-124) - in piano bench
Action Song: Hinges (277), Head Shoulders Knees and Toes (275), Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam (60)
Program Song: I Will Follow God's Plan (164)
Reverent Song: Father, I Will Reverent Be (29)
Closing Song:
Identify the doctrine:
Listening and Singing Experiences:
Junior Primary/Senior Primary
Singing Time:
Senior Primary (12:05-12:25)
Opening Song:
Welcome Song: We Welcome You (p256) - 1st part only
Happy Birthday Song: Feliz Cumpleanos (282)
Article of Faith Song: The Third and Fourth Articles of Faith (123-124) - in piano bench
Action Song: Hinges (277), Head Shoulders Knees and Toes (275), Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam (60)
Program Song: I Will Follow God's Plan (164)
Reverent Song: Father, I Will Reverent Be (29)
Closing Song:
Identify the doctrine:
Listening and Singing Experiences:
Junior Primary/Senior Primary
Singing Time:
Junior Primary (11:15-11:35)
- Action Songs: Head Shoulders Knees and Toes (275)
- Articles of Faith Songs: 3 and 4. Sing through the Third Article of Faith (kids have been working on it). The Fourth Article of Faith is new. Sing it to them - showing "first" "second" "third" and "fourth" on fingers (over emphasize) as you point to the corresponding picture on the poster. Invite the children to sing along and/or count 1-4 on fingers.
- Action Song: Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam (60) - last week we taught the Sunbeams how to sit on their chairs while singing and only jump up on "beam". Remind them of this. You can invite a few singers to bring their chairs to the front to demonstrate if you'd like.
- Review "I Will Follow God's Plan":
- Last week we worked on our new program song. We came up with some actions to help us sing. Let's remember them...
- "life" - clap (for now)
- "gift" - touch chest with both hands then extend them out (like you're holding a gift and then giving it to someone)
- "plan" - PLAN
- "heav'n" - point upwards
- Let's learn the next part of the song!
- Reverent Song: Father, I Will Reverent Be - sing as the kids are dismissed to class.
- Articles of Faith Songs: 3 and 4. Sing through the Third Article of Faith (kids have been working on it). The Fourth Article of Faith is a new song. Show them the Article of Faith poster and sing the song to them. Point to each square and ask the children what each one stood for (1 - faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, 2 - repentance, 3 - baptism by immersion, 4 - laying on of hands for the Gift of the Holy Ghost). Invite the children to sing with you.
- I Will Follow God's Plan:
- Last week we learned the whole song! Let's sing through it and see how much we remember.
- To help us practice this song, I have a fun activity for us:
- In “I Will Follow God’s Plan” the following words are repeated:My – 5 (4 at the beginning and one time at the very end)Life – 3Will – 5Home – 2Earth – 2I – 5
- For this activity you will need to prepare ahead of time 6 strips of paper (all the same color) with the repeating words listed above. One word per strip of paper. On another six strips of paper (all the same color, but different from the repeated word strips color) write actions. The actions can be whatever you’d like. Some suggestions: clap, turn around, tap your head, jump, slap your thighs, raise arms quickly up & down, etc.
- You will have two children come up to the front and one child will pick a strip from the first pile and the second child will pick one from the other pile. (Piles should be face down so they can’t see the words or actions.) Post the wordstrips on the board next to each other. Let’s says the strips say “life” and “jump”. Now, you sing through the song and everytime you sing the word “life” everyone has to “jump”!
- Now, find two more super singers, have them pick two more strips. Then add that to the original ones. So, if they picked “I” and “clap”. You would sing again and jump every time you sang “life” and ALSO you would clap every time you sang “I”.
- Keep adding words and actions until they have all been picked! By the end everyone will be laughing and giggling and will know the words!
- Sing the Reverent Song as the Jr. Primary comes in.
Nursery (11:00-11:07am)
- Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes
- Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam
- Follow the Prophet (chorus only)
- Book of Mormon Stories
- Popcorn Popping
- Wise Man and the Foolish Man
- Families Can Be Together Forever
- I Am a Child of God
- I Love to See the Temple
- My Heavenly Father Loves Me
- Fun to Do
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