Opening Song:
Welcome Song: We Welcome You (p256) - 1st part only
Happy Birthday Song: Feliz Cumpleanos (282)
Article of Faith Song: The Third and Fourth Articles of Faith (123-124) - in piano bench
Action Song: Hinges (277), Head Shoulders Knees and Toes (275), Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam (60)
Program Song: I Will Follow God's Plan (164)
Reverent Song: Father, I Will Reverent Be (29)
Closing Song:
Identify the doctrine:
Listening and Singing Experiences:
Junior Primary/Senior Primary
Singing Time:
Junior Primary (11:15-11:35)
- Action Songs: Head Shoulders Knees and Toes (275)
- Articles of Faith Songs: 3 and 4. Sing through the Third Article of Faith (kids have been working on it). The Fourth Article of Faith is new. Sing it to them - showing "first" "second" "third" and "fourth" on fingers (over emphasize) as you point to the corresponding picture on the poster. Invite the children to sing along and/or count 1-4 on fingers.
- Action Song: Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam (60) - last week we taught the Sunbeams how to sit on their chairs while singing and only jump up on "beam". Remind them of this. You can invite a few singers to bring their chairs to the front to demonstrate if you'd like.
- Review "I Will Follow God's Plan":
- Last week we worked on our new program song. We came up with some actions to help us sing. Let's remember them...
- "life" - clap (for now)
- "gift" - touch chest with both hands then extend them out (like you're holding a gift and then giving it to someone)
- "plan" - PLAN
- "heav'n" - point upwards
- Let's learn the next part of the song!
- Reverent Song: Father, I Will Reverent Be - sing as the kids are dismissed to class.
- Articles of Faith Songs: 3 and 4. Sing through the Third Article of Faith (kids have been working on it). The Fourth Article of Faith is a new song. Show them the Article of Faith poster and sing the song to them. Point to each square and ask the children what each one stood for (1 - faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, 2 - repentance, 3 - baptism by immersion, 4 - laying on of hands for the Gift of the Holy Ghost). Invite the children to sing with you.
- I Will Follow God's Plan:
- Last week we learned the whole song! Let's sing through it and see how much we remember.
- To help us practice this song, I have a fun activity for us:
- In “I Will Follow God’s Plan” the following words are repeated:My – 5 (4 at the beginning and one time at the very end)Life – 3Will – 5Home – 2Earth – 2I – 5
- For this activity you will need to prepare ahead of time 6 strips of paper (all the same color) with the repeating words listed above. One word per strip of paper. On another six strips of paper (all the same color, but different from the repeated word strips color) write actions. The actions can be whatever you’d like. Some suggestions: clap, turn around, tap your head, jump, slap your thighs, raise arms quickly up & down, etc.
- You will have two children come up to the front and one child will pick a strip from the first pile and the second child will pick one from the other pile. (Piles should be face down so they can’t see the words or actions.) Post the wordstrips on the board next to each other. Let’s says the strips say “life” and “jump”. Now, you sing through the song and everytime you sing the word “life” everyone has to “jump”!
- Now, find two more super singers, have them pick two more strips. Then add that to the original ones. So, if they picked “I” and “clap”. You would sing again and jump every time you sang “life” and ALSO you would clap every time you sang “I”.
- Keep adding words and actions until they have all been picked! By the end everyone will be laughing and giggling and will know the words!
- Sing the Reverent Song as the Jr. Primary comes in.
Nursery (11:00-11:07am)
- Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes
- Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam
- Follow the Prophet (chorus only)
- Book of Mormon Stories
- Popcorn Popping
- Wise Man and the Foolish Man
- Families Can Be Together Forever
- I Am a Child of God
- I Love to See the Temple
- My Heavenly Father Loves Me
- Fun to Do
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