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Saturday, March 8, 2014

March 30, 2014

Opening Song: I Will Follow God's Plan (164)
Welcome Song: Here We Are Together (261)
Happy Birthday Song: Feliz Cumpleanos, second verse (282)
Article of Faith Song: The Second and Fourth Articles of Faith (122-124)
Action Songs: Do As I'm Doing (276)
Program Song: I Stand All Amazed (Hymn 193)
Review Song: He Sent His Son (34)
Easter Song: Did Jesus Really Live Again (64)
Reverent Song: Father I Will Reverent Be (29)
Closing Song: The First Article of Faith (122)
Identify the doctrine: (Bishopric Sharing Time)

Listening and Singing Experiences:

Junior Primary/Senior Primary

Singing Time: 

Junior Primary (11:15-11:35) - Review 
  1. Action Song: Do As I'm Doing (276)
  2. Articles of Faith Song: 4 (124). 
  3. Did Jesus Really Live Again (64) 
    • Review Activity: Hide pictures under chairs. Have children look for pictures as the pianist plays softly. 
    • Sing the song a verse at a time and ask the children to listen for the part of the song their picture is about. 
    • Invite the child with the corresponding picture to come put it on the poster (on the appropriate velcro dot). When all the pictures are on the poster, sing the song again (verses 1-3) and flip the poster over for the last phrase.
  4. He Sent His Son (34) - stand when you sing "how", sit when you sing "he"
  5. I Stand All Amazed (Hymn 193) - ASL
  6. Reverent Song: Father, I Will Reverent Be - sing as the kids are dismissed to class.
Senior Primary (12:05-12:25) 
  1. Action Song: Do As I'm Doing (276)
  2. Articles of Faith Songs: 2 and 4. 
  3. He Sent His Son (34) - 6 minutes
    • Split the children into 2 groups (and evenly divide teachers). Give one group question sticks, the other answer sticks. The question group will only sing the questions, the answer group will only sing the answers. It may take a couple tries to get it down, then switch roles! (don't have to use the sticks)
  4. Did Jesus Really Live Again (64) - 6 minutes
    • Review Activity: hand out pictures to each child. Sing the song and when the children hear their part of the song, they can come up and put it on the poster - but they have to keep singing! 
    • Sing the song all the way through (verses 1-3) and flip the poster over at the last phrase.
  5. I Stand All Amazed (Hymn 193) - 6 minutes
    • Share video:

  6. Father, I Will Reverent Be (29) Sing the Reverent Song as the Jr. Primary comes in.
Nursery (11:00-11:07am)
  1. Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes
  2. Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam
  3. Follow the Prophet (chorus only)
  4. Book of Mormon Stories
  5. Popcorn Popping
  6. Wise Man and the Foolish Man
  7. Families Can Be Together Forever
  8. I Am a Child of God
  9. I Love to See the Temple
  10. My Heavenly Father Loves Me
  11. Fun to Do

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