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Saturday, May 19, 2012

May 20, 2012

Opening Song: Stand for the Right (p159)
Closing Song: Keep the Commandments (p146-147)

Wiggle Songs: Do As I'm Doing (p276) 

Program Song: When I Am Baptized (p103) 
Review Songs: I Feel My Savior's Love (p74)
Other Song: The Fourth Article of Faith (p124)
Identify the doctrine: Jesus Christ teaches me to choose the right. I can choose the right by being baptized and confirmed a member of the Church.

Help the children understand it:
  1. Sing Wiggle Song. 2 minutes
    • Listening and Singing Experiences:

      Junior/Senior Primary

      Part 1
      : 7 minutes, The Fourth Article of Faith (p124)
      • 1 minute - Attention getter: I was doing laundry this last week (I had a LOT to do), and in order for me to reach my dryer, I have to use a step stool (yes, I'm VERY short). Olivia and I also watched the gardener climb a ladder to trim the trees outside our apartment. When we come to church, we walk up a BUNCH of stairs/steps to get to the Chapel. Stairs or steps help us get where we want or need to go. There are steps that help us get us back to live with our Heavenly Father, today we are going to learn the first 4.
      • 5 minutes - Listen for what the first step is as I sing you this song. When you hear it, fold your arms. (Faith). After singing the song, have the children identify the first step and place the faith picture on the first rung of the ladder (a poster with a ladder drawn, rungs are spaced out enough to fit each picture, words "we believe" are placed at the bottom of the ladder). Repeat for the second (Repentance), third (Baptism), and fourth (Laying on of Hands for the Gift of the Holy Ghost).
      • 1 minute - Invite the children to sing with me. Remind them that every Article of Faith begins with "We believe" (place the word strip on the poster). Also teach them the phrase, "first principles and ordinances of the Gospel" and it's significance.
               Part 2: 7 minutes, When I Am Baptized (p103)
      • Last week you learned a song about the third step on our ladder - baptism. 
      • 1 minute - Invite the children to sing the first verse with me, have them create a rainbow as they sing with their hands. Use flipchart pictures as necessary.
      • 3 minutes - Show the children a ribbon wand. Set expectation: place the wand on our laps until we sing, use it to create a rainbow without touching our neighbor, and when the song is finished put the wand back on our laps. Hand out ribbon wands to a few of  the children. We are going to sing the song again. If you do not have a ribbon wand, use your hand. We will sing the song again, so everyone has a turn with the wand.
      • 3 minutes - Now to focus on the chorus: Sing the chorus to the children, ask them to listen for the phrase that sounds the most like rain falling (as Earth right after rain). Introduce rain stick (only if I get it made!). Ask one of the teachers to watch for a super singer (sings most of the words, feet still, eyes on me), have that child use the rain stick on the phrase "as Earth right after rain". Repeat if time.
      • Ask who plays the piano in Sr. Primary, ask if they'd be interested in learning the simplified version in the Friend to play! 
      • Fast finisher: Sing "I Feel My Savior's Love" (p74)
    Notes for next week: use melody map with Sr. Primary, have the place the words on the appropriate note.
      Help them apply it in their lives: I know that our Savior Jesus Christ has taught us the way to return to our Heavenely Father. We must be baptized, just like Jesus Christ was baptized.

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