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Thursday, May 31, 2012

June 3, 2012

Opening Song: Reverently, Quietly (p26)
Closing Song: Choose the Right Way (p160-161)

Wiggle Song: I Wiggle (p271)

Program Song: When I Am Baptized (p103)
Review Songs: none
Other Songs: Fathers (p209), Sebastian's Baptism Songs (When I Am Baptized, and...?)
Identify the doctrine: We have a father of our home, a father of our ward (the Bishop), and a Heavenly Father. They each teach us and guide us how to return home to heaven. I choose the right by following Jesus' example and being baptized. 

Help the children understand it:
  1. Sing Wiggle Song. 1 minute
    • Listening and Singing Experiences:

      Junior/Senior Primary
      1. Fathers (p209) - 10 minutes
        • 1 minute - Attention getter: I have pictures of 3 very special men. Place on the board a picture of a father (mine? from the Friend?), the Bishop, and of Heavenly Father (First Vision). What do these men have in common? (They are all fathers). We are going to learn a song that teaches us about each of these men and how they are fathers. 
        • 3 minutes - I'm going to sing the first verse, listen to find out who this man is a father of. (The father of our home). How do our fathers lead our families? (by example, teach us how to serve, provide for us, teach us the Gospel, etc). The song also teaches that they lead  "with wisdom's light in all that's right". What does that mean? (Wisdom - when we do what we know to be true, Light - shows us the way, Wisdom's Light - we find it in the scriptures and from our Prophet, In All That's Right - to CTR, etc.) Add keyword pictures under the father of our home picture (home, family, lightbulb and scriptures, CTR, "good"). Sing the chorus TO the kids.
        • 3 minutes - I'm going to sing the second verse, listen to find out who this man is a father of. (the father of our ward). "Tends" means to take care of. Our Bishop "tends with loving care each member's needs". I'm going to sing the second verse again. Listen for how the Bishop takes care of our needs (with kindly deeds). Service! Bear testimony of the Bishop's call and that he is always there for us, to talk to or ask questions of. Add keyword pictures under the Bishop's picture (heart with "care", members in sacrament mtg, act of service). Sing the chorus WITH the kids.
        • 3 minutes - I'm going to sing the last verse, listen to find out who this man is a father of. (the Father of us ALL). Bear testimony that our Heavenly Father loves us so much that He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to live, die, and be resurrected for US! When we remember our Heavenly Father, we should remember Him reverently. Add keyword pictures under the picture of Heavenly Father (primary chorister leading kids, child praying, picture of God the Father and Son, picture of Jesus/His birth). Have the kids sing the chorus BY themselves (if ready).
        • Note for next week: add photos to a poster or into a flipchart book for review ease.
      2. Sebastian's Baptism:"When I Am Baptized" (p103), - 10 minutes
        • Invite kids to attend Sebastian's baptism, explain we'll be singing to show him how much we love and support him.
        • 1 minute - Sing through "When I Am Baptized" verse 1. 
        • 5 minutes - Teach verse 2 by sing and repeat method, along with flipchart. 
          • I know when I am baptized (picture of baptism)
          • my wrongs are washed away (picture of hands/soap, remind kids of last week)
          • And I can be forgiven (picture of child praying, remind kids of what we learned last week about repentance and forgiveness)
          • and improve myself each day (picture of child reading scriptures, teach children that to "improve" means to get better. One of the ways we can become better is by reading the scriptures and following the examples of the prophets like Nephi)
        • 3 minutes - Sing the second verse twice. Sing through the entire song once.
        • 1 minute - The other song we are going to sing is...(I Am a Child of God, Families Can Be Together Forever, one they already know). Sing through once.
      Help them apply it in their lives/Testimony: Make connections with real life examples of what the Lord asks us to do (compared to Nephi getting the brass plates). I know that the scriptures are full righteous examples for us to follow. Nephi is one of those examples. He was willing to go and do what the Lord asked him to do. I promise you that if you will go and do, the Lord will always provide a way for you to do what He asks.

      Wednesday, May 23, 2012

      May 27, 2012

      Opening Song: 
      Keep the Commandments (p146-147)
      Closing Song: I Need My Heavenly Father (p18)

      Wiggle Songs: Do As I'm Doing (p276), Kid's choice

      Program Song: When I Am Baptized (p103) 
      Review Songs: I Feel My Savior's Love (p74)
      Other Song: The Fourth Article of Faith (p124)
      Identify the doctrine: Jesus Christ teaches me to choose the right. I can choose the right by being baptized and confirmed a member of the Church.

      Help the children understand it:
      1. Sing Wiggle Songs (2). 2 minutes
        • Listening and Singing Experiences:

          Junior/Senior Primary
          Songs to use:
          1. Fourth Article of Faith (p124)
          2. Faith (p96)3. Help Me Dear Father (p99)4. When I Am Baptized (p103)
          5. The Holy Ghost (p105)
          • 1 minute - Sing the Fourth Article of Faith using the poster (add popsicle sticks ahead of time)
          • 1 minute - Attention getter: To help us learn more about each of these principles and ordinances, I have brought 4 bags. In each bag, there is something that will help us understand that principle or ordinance better. 
          • 5 minutes - Invite one child to open the first bag labeled "faith". In the bag will be a packet of seeds. Teach that faith a little seed, sing the song "Faith", sing both verses using flipchart. In the second bag labeled "repentance" will be a bar of soap. Teach that when we sin, it's just like getting our hands dirty. Repentance is the soap that cleanses our hands. 
          • 5 minutes - In the third bag labeled "baptism" there is a picture of a child being baptized. Sing the song "When I Am Baptized", verse 1. Teach the 2nd verse using the soap analogy and flipchart.
          • 2 minutes - Invite one of the kids to open the last bag "Receive the Gift of the Holy Ghost". In it will be a picture of a child being confirmed and a blanket. Teach that the Holy Ghost can bring us comfort and peace, just like a blanket. Sing "The Holy Ghost" verse 2 with flipchart.
          • 1 minute - Finish by singing "When I Am Baptized", both verses.
          Help them apply it in their lives: I know that our Savior Jesus Christ has taught us the way to return to our Heavenely Father. We must be baptized, just like Jesus Christ was baptized.

          Saturday, May 19, 2012

          May 20, 2012

          Opening Song: Stand for the Right (p159)
          Closing Song: Keep the Commandments (p146-147)

          Wiggle Songs: Do As I'm Doing (p276) 

          Program Song: When I Am Baptized (p103) 
          Review Songs: I Feel My Savior's Love (p74)
          Other Song: The Fourth Article of Faith (p124)
          Identify the doctrine: Jesus Christ teaches me to choose the right. I can choose the right by being baptized and confirmed a member of the Church.

          Help the children understand it:
          1. Sing Wiggle Song. 2 minutes
            • Listening and Singing Experiences:

              Junior/Senior Primary

              Part 1
              : 7 minutes, The Fourth Article of Faith (p124)
              • 1 minute - Attention getter: I was doing laundry this last week (I had a LOT to do), and in order for me to reach my dryer, I have to use a step stool (yes, I'm VERY short). Olivia and I also watched the gardener climb a ladder to trim the trees outside our apartment. When we come to church, we walk up a BUNCH of stairs/steps to get to the Chapel. Stairs or steps help us get where we want or need to go. There are steps that help us get us back to live with our Heavenly Father, today we are going to learn the first 4.
              • 5 minutes - Listen for what the first step is as I sing you this song. When you hear it, fold your arms. (Faith). After singing the song, have the children identify the first step and place the faith picture on the first rung of the ladder (a poster with a ladder drawn, rungs are spaced out enough to fit each picture, words "we believe" are placed at the bottom of the ladder). Repeat for the second (Repentance), third (Baptism), and fourth (Laying on of Hands for the Gift of the Holy Ghost).
              • 1 minute - Invite the children to sing with me. Remind them that every Article of Faith begins with "We believe" (place the word strip on the poster). Also teach them the phrase, "first principles and ordinances of the Gospel" and it's significance.
                       Part 2: 7 minutes, When I Am Baptized (p103)
              • Last week you learned a song about the third step on our ladder - baptism. 
              • 1 minute - Invite the children to sing the first verse with me, have them create a rainbow as they sing with their hands. Use flipchart pictures as necessary.
              • 3 minutes - Show the children a ribbon wand. Set expectation: place the wand on our laps until we sing, use it to create a rainbow without touching our neighbor, and when the song is finished put the wand back on our laps. Hand out ribbon wands to a few of  the children. We are going to sing the song again. If you do not have a ribbon wand, use your hand. We will sing the song again, so everyone has a turn with the wand.
              • 3 minutes - Now to focus on the chorus: Sing the chorus to the children, ask them to listen for the phrase that sounds the most like rain falling (as Earth right after rain). Introduce rain stick (only if I get it made!). Ask one of the teachers to watch for a super singer (sings most of the words, feet still, eyes on me), have that child use the rain stick on the phrase "as Earth right after rain". Repeat if time.
              • Ask who plays the piano in Sr. Primary, ask if they'd be interested in learning the simplified version in the Friend to play! 
              • Fast finisher: Sing "I Feel My Savior's Love" (p74)
            Notes for next week: use melody map with Sr. Primary, have the place the words on the appropriate note.
              Help them apply it in their lives: I know that our Savior Jesus Christ has taught us the way to return to our Heavenely Father. We must be baptized, just like Jesus Christ was baptized.

              Friday, May 11, 2012

              May 13, 2012

              Opening Song:
              Love is Spoken Here (p190)

              Closing Song: Love One Another (p136)

              Wiggle Songs: Hinges (p277)

              Program Song: When I Am Baptized (p103) - Introduce today!
              Review Songs: Songs of the Heart
              Identify the doctrine: Jesus Christ teaches me to choose the right. I can choose the right by being baptized.

              Help the children understand it:
              1. Sing Wiggle Song.
                • Listening and Singing Experiences:

                  Junior/Senior Primary
                  • Attention getter: Raise your hand if you like to see rainbows in the sky after it rains. They are so beautiful. Sometimes I like to take a deep breath and smell the clean air when it rains. I like to look around and see how pretty the green leaves are and how everything looks so fresh and beautiful. Today we are going to learn a song about rain and rainbows.
                  • Tell the children that the melody of a song can paint a picture. Ask the children to watch me pitch-lead as I sing the first verse, and to think about what picture the melody of this song creates. If they have a guess as to what picture it creates (a rainbow), tell them to put their hand on their heads. 
                  • After children figure it out, reinforce the idea by adding ascending and descending notes on a chalk rainbow on the board. (draw a simple rainbow on the blackboard and place notes along it - great for Senior Primary). 
                  • Invite the children to hum the first verse while I sing it, ask them to draw a rainbow with their fingers in the air as we sing/hum.
                  • Invite the children to sing the first verse with me, have them still create a rainbow as they sing with their hands. Use flipchart pictures as necessary.
                  • Now to focus on the chorus: Sing the chorus to the children, ask them to listen for the phrase that sounds the most like rain falling (as Earth right after rain). 
                  • Sing the chorus with the children.
                  • Sing first verse and chorus together. Include movements.
                  • If kids are still engaged, practice the song using "how to sing" sticks.
                • Sing Songs of the Heart (in purple box)
                  Help them apply it in their lives: I know that our Savior Jesus Christ has taught us the way to return to our Heavenely Father. We must be baptized, just like Jesus Christ was baptized.

                  Saturday, May 5, 2012

                  May 6, 2012

                  Opening Song: Families Can Be Together Forever (p188)
                  Closing Song: Mother, I Love You (p207) - Performance Practice

                  Wiggle Songs: I Wiggle (p271)

                  Program Song: I Feel My Savior's Love (p74)

                  Mother's Day: Mother, I Love You (p207)
                  Review Songs: Choose the Right (opening song)
                  Identify the doctrine: Jesus Christ teaches me to choose the right. He loves me, and I can feel His love.

                  Help the children understand it:
                  1. Sing Wiggle Songs.
                    • Listening and Singing Experiences:

                      Junior/Senior Primary
                      • Wiggle Songs 
                      • Mother, I Love You: Sing verse 1 with the children using the flipchart.
                      • Teach verse 2. 
                        • Sing verse 2 to the children. 
                          • Junior:  When we love our mothers, we want to help and mind them. What does it mean to mind our mothers? Listen for the word that rhymes with "mind". When you hear it, touch your nose. (find)
                          • Senior: Listen for 2 words that rhyme. When you hear them, touch your nose. (mind/find). What does it mean to mind our mothers?  
                        • Sing the song with me (use flipchart), listen for trouble spots and review.
                        • Use "how to sing" sticks to practice. (tell the kids you'll be watching for those who are singing, holding still, and watching to help with the "how to sing" sticks.)
                        • Performance practice (how/where to stand, holding still, little ones in front, etc.)
                      • I Feel My Savior's Love: Sing verse 1 with signs. Practice if time. With Senior Primary, teach 3rd verse. (solo/small group for 2nd verse)
                      Help them apply it in their lives: I know that our Savior Jesus Christ loves us, and He wants us to feel His love. This week, I want you to find one way that you can feel your Savior's love.

                      Songs of the Heart
