Closing Song: Life is O'erflowing with Beautiful Things, vs 1 only (binder)
Program Song: If the Savior Stood Beside Me (2013 outline, binder)
Easter Song: He Sent His Son (p34)
Wiggle Songs: Stand Up (p278)
Identify the doctrine: Jesus Christ taught the gospel and set an example for us. We should follow Him in what we do, how we think, and how we live, what we say and how we share the Gospel. (If the Savior Stood Beside Me). Jesus Christ was resurrected and we will be too. (He Sent His Son).
Listening and Singing Experiences: (same lesson plan for "If the Savior Stood Beside Me" as last week since I didn't get to it, kids needed a long wiggle break, lots of visitors and birthdays)
Junior Primary/Senior Primary
If the Savior Stood Beside Me - 2013 outline, binder
Lesson plan from Sugardoodle
(12 minutes total)
* 2 pictures of the Savior (included with the keyword posters)
* If the Savior Stood Beside Me Keyword Posters Verse 1 (4 pieces of paper, all the same color, that have a large question mark on one side. On the opposite side write one of the keywords on each paper. Keywords are: do, think, follow, live.)
*If the Savior Stood Beside Me Keyword Posters Verse 2 (keywords: say, words, share, speak)
* 4 pieces of paper with a single large number written on each of them. They should be numbered 1-4.
* Magnets
* Sign language for the 8 keywords (do, think, follow, live, say, words (could include true and kind), share, speak). Simplified ASL
Verse 1:
- Ask the children if they remember the first phrase of the song. (If the Savior stood beside me). Get their answer and put the first picture of Christ on the board. Ask the kids when else we sing about the Savior (the end) and put the other picture of Christ on the other side of the board.
- Ask them how many questions are in between the pictures. (4) Post the 4 question marks.
- Sing through 1 time, flipping over each question mark to reveal the keyword.
- Sing through again, this time use the signs for the keywords.
Verse 2:
- Tell the children the 2nd verse starts and ends the same as the first verse. Sing each phrase. It also has 4 questions in the between the pictures. Ask, "what did all 4 questions in the first verse start with?" (would I) Tell them that in the 2nd verse, one of the questions starts with a different phrase.
- Tell them you are going to sing the 2nd verse and they are to listen for the question that starts with different words. When they hear it, they should touch their nose. Get their answer (would my).
- Sing through the song again and this time they are to listen for which question starts differently - the 1, 2, 3, or 4 question. When they know what question number it is, they are to show that number on their fingers.
- Get their answer (2), and post all 4 question marks on the board. Number 2 will be a different color.
- Sing the 2nd verse together 1 time, flipping over the question marks as you sing.
- Sing through the 2nd verse a second time, and this time use the signs for the keywords.
- Practice verse 2 by using Shamrocks (cut out of construction paper)with different ways to sing it on the backs. Place shamrocks around the room, draw sticks for kids to choose one. Continue to use signs for keywords and any simplified ASL appropriate.
Sing a wiggle song! (1 minute)
He Sent His Son - p34
- Last week you sang He Sent His Son beautifully! We are going to review the song today and practice singing like "Super Singers" for our performance on Easter Sunday (the last Sunday of this month).
- How do each of the questions start? (How could the Father) How do each of the answers start? (He sent His Son)
- The end of the song is different. We ask 2 questions in a row (post on the board): "What does the Father ASK of us?" "What do the scriptures SAY?" (sing to the children) And there are 4 answers (post on the board): "Have faith, have hope, live like his Son, help others on their way" (sing to children). Sing questions and answers together.
- Sing through the song once, identify any trouble spots and clarify.
- Introduce Super Singer poster, practice singing until time is up.
Nursery (following Jr. singing time, go into Nursery and sing the following songs with them)
- Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes
- Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam
- I Love to See the Temple
- Families Can Be Together Forever
- I Am a Child of God
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