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Saturday, November 30, 2013

December 1, 2013

Opening Song: Away in a Manger (p42)
Closing Song: Picture a Christmas (p50)

Wiggle Songs: Once There Was a Snowman (p249)
Happy Birthday Song: Happy Happy Birthday (p284)
Welcome Song: We Welcome You (first part only) (p256)
New Song: Our Christmas Story Tree (the Friend)
Reverent Song: Search, Ponder and Pray (109)

Identify the doctrine: Our Christmas tree and ornaments are symbols of the true meaning of Christmas. These symbols are to remind us of our Savior Jesus Christ and His birth. 

Listening and Singing Experiences:

Junior Primary/Senior Primary

Singing Time:
  1. Ask children how many of them have put up their Christmas trees. (we haven't yet). Tell them that the Christmas tree and ornaments are symbols of the true meaning of Christmas. Ask what is the true meaning of Christmas? We are going to listen to and learn a song that teaches us how our Christmas trees and ornaments can remind us about the true meaning of Christmas.
  2. Play video: Our Christmas Story Tree
  3. With the piano, sing through the melody for verse 1, echo sing each phrase, put up the corresponding picture on the board. Ask the children to listen for and identify the rhyming pairs:
    • see/tree
    • bough/now
    • song/wrongs
    • lights/night
    • red/shed
    • fall/all
  4. Sing through verse 1, ask the children to clap/spin around/stand up when we sing the rhyming words.
  5. Repeat with verses 2-3.
  6. Sing through all the way through.
Reverent Song (if time, or if necessary as the children go to or come in from classes): Search, Ponder and Pray (109)

Nursery (11:45-11:55am - I sing from the following list)
  1. Christmas Song: Away in a Manger
  2. Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes
  3. Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam
  4. Book of Mormon Stories
  5. Popcorn Popping
  6. Wise Man and the Foolish Man
  7. Families Can Be Together Forever
  8. I Am a Child of God
  9. I Love to See the Temple
  10. My Heavenly Father Loves Me
  11. Fun to Do

Saturday, November 23, 2013

November 24, 2013

Opening Song: Children All Over the World (p16-17)
Closing Song: I Will Follow God's Plan (p164)

Wiggle Songs: We'll be singing songs actively today, so no wiggle song
Happy Birthday Song: Your Happy Birthday (p283)
Welcome Song: Hello Song (p260)
New Song: Children All Over the World (p16-17)
Reverent Song: Search, Ponder and Pray (109)

Identify the doctrine: We are to thank God in all things. We should thank Heavenly Father for all our blessings.

Listening and Singing Experiences:

Junior Primary/Senior Primary

Singing Time:
  1. Thanksgiving Sing-a-Story Activity found here
  2. Songs we'll sing:
  •  Boat (Mayflower) / Nephi's Courage (120)
  • Log cabin (home) / The Wise Man and the Foolish Man (281)
  • Cornucopia (fruits and vegetables) / Faith (96)
  • Fall tree (fall)/ It's Autumntime (246)
  • Pilgrim feast / For Health and Strength (21)
  • American Indians / Book of Mormon Stories (118)
  • Turkey / Thanks to our Father (20)
  • Pilgrim and American Indian praying / Thank Thee, Father (24)
Reverent Song (if time, or if necessary as the children go to or come in from classes): Search, Ponder and Pray (109)

Nursery (11:45-11:55am - I sing from the following list)
  1. Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes
  2. Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam
  3. Book of Mormon Stories
  4. Popcorn Popping
  5. Wise Man and the Foolish Man
  6. Families Can Be Together Forever
  7. I Am a Child of God
  8. I Love to See the Temple
  9. My Heavenly Father Loves Me
  10. Fun to Do

Saturday, November 16, 2013

November 17, 2013

SUB: Lindsay Ferraro --- Thank you!!! This is the same lesson plan as last week. There were very few children there, so we'll do it again. Feel free to improvise or use your own ideas. This month is all about gratitude. Today they will be doing Sharing Time first, so you'll have the opening song, then a 20 minute break. You'll have Singing Time from 11:20-11:40. I go into Nursery from 11:45-11:55 and sing the songs at the bottom of this post with them. If you would rather not go in, just tell Erin Gwilliam who can let Ellen Berry know. 

Opening Song: I Feel My Savior's Love (p74)
Closing Song: I Am a Child of God (p2)

Wiggle Songs: The Wise Man and the Foolish Man (p281)
Happy Birthday Song: Your Happy Birthday (p283)
Welcome Song: Hello Song (p260)
New Song: Children All Over the World (p16-17)
Reverent Song: Search, Ponder and Pray (109)

Identify the doctrine: We are to thank God in all things. I am thankful for spiritual blessings.

Listening and Singing Experiences:

Junior Primary/Senior Primary

Wiggle Song: The Wise Man and the Foolish Man (p281)
Singing Time:
  1. Tom the Thankful Turkey (10 minutes): 2 weeks ago the children wrote their favorite songs on the back of construction paper feathers. Using magnets, put Tom the Turkey and the feathers on the board. (Tom and the feathers are under the "table" on the stand with my other music supplies. There is large stack of feathers - use those. There is a smaller stack of feathers, we already sang those last week, keep them separate from the rest as they are.) Sing as many songs as you can within a 10 minute period. Choose Super Singers (they know the words, they are singing, they are sitting reverently) to choose a feather from the board. Whose ever feather it is gets to "lead" the Primary children in singing it using the "how to sing" sticks (those are in a red folder in the back of my plastic tub with all the flipcharts, there are boy/girl, fast/slow, stop/go, hum, etc).
  2. Children All Over the World (10 minutes): Before singing song to children show them the flags on the flipchart pages and see if they remember the country as you say thank you in that language, then have them repeat "thank you" in that language with you:
    • UNITED STATES (English)
    • GREAT BRITAIN (English)
    • SPAIN (Spanish)
    • TONGA (Tongan)
    • GERMANY (German)
    • DENMARK (Danish)
    • FRANCE (French)
    • JAPAN (Japanese) 
  3. Sing through once. Then break it down for them phrases at a time, using pitch leading, the flipchart, whatever you think helps them most! The flipchart doesn't have a folder but it is located in the front of my flipcharts tub. 
  4. With whatever time you have remaining, you can sing more Tom the Turkey feather songs, other songs about gratitude, or you can write up your own game plan! 

Reverent Song (if time, or if necessary as the children go to or come in from classes): Search, Ponder and Pray (109)

Nursery (11:45-11:55am - I sing from the following list)
  1. Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes
  2. Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam
  3. Book of Mormon Stories
  4. Popcorn Popping
  5. Wise Man and the Foolish Man
  6. Families Can Be Together Forever
  7. I Am a Child of God
  8. I Love to See the Temple
  9. My Heavenly Father Loves Me
  10. Fun to Do

Saturday, November 9, 2013

November 10, 2013

SUB: Jennifer Hammer - thank you Jennifer! 

Opening Song: Thanks to Our Father (p20)
Closing Song: The Lord Gave Me a Temple (p153)

Wiggle Songs: Hinges (p277)
New Song: Children All Over the World (p16-17)
Reverent Song: Search, Ponder and Pray (109)

Identify the doctrine: We are to thank God in all things. I am thankful for temporal blessings. Temporal blessings are blessings we can experience with our senses: sight, smell, sound, taste and touch.

Listening and Singing Experiences:

Junior Primary/Senior Primary

Wiggle Song: If You're Happy (277)
Singing Time:
  1. Tom the Thankful Turkey (10 minutes): Last week the children wrote their favorite songs on the back of construction paper feathers. Using magnets, put Tom the Turkey and the feathers on the board. (Tom and the feathers are under the "table" on the stand with my other music supplies. There is large stack of feathers - use those. There is a small stack of 3 feathers, we already sang those last week, keep them separate from the rest as they are.) Sing as many songs as you can within a 10 minute period. Choose Super Singers (they know the words, they are singing, they are sitting reverently) to choose a feather from the board. Whose ever feather it is gets to "lead" the Primary children in singing it using the "how to sing" sticks (those are in a red folder in the back of my plastic tub with all the flipcharts, there are boy/girl, fast/slow, stop/go, hum, etc).
  2. Children All Over the World (10 minutes): Before singing song to children show them the flags on the flipchart pages and see if they remember the country as you say thank you in that language, then have them repeat "thank you" in that language with you:
    • UNITED STATES (English)
    • GREAT BRITAIN (English)
    • SPAIN (Spanish)
    • TONGA (Tongan)
    • GERMANY (German)
    • DENMARK (Danish)
    • FRANCE (French)
    • JAPAN (Japanese) 
  3. Sing through once. Then break it down for them phrases at a time, using pitch leading, the flipchart, whatever you think helps them most! The flipchart doesn't have a folder but it is located in the front of my flipcharts tub. 
  4. With whatever time you have remaining, you can sing more Tom the Turkey feather songs, other songs about gratitude, or you can write up your own game plan! 

Reverent Song (if time, or if necessary as the children go to or come in from classes): Search, Ponder and Pray (109)

Nursery (11:45-11:55am - I sing from the following list)
  1. Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes
  2. Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam
  3. Book of Mormon Stories
  4. Popcorn Popping
  5. Wise Man and the Foolish Man
  6. Families Can Be Together Forever
  7. I Am a Child of God
  8. I Love to See the Temple
  9. My Heavenly Father Loves Me
  10. Fun to Do

Saturday, November 2, 2013

November 3, 2013

Opening Song: I Love to See the Temple (p95)
Closing Song: My Heavenly Father Loves Me (p228)

Wiggle Songs: If You're Happy (p277)
New Song: Children All Over the World (p16-17)
Reverent Song: Search, Ponder and Pray (109)

Identify the doctrine: We are to thank God in all things. I am thankful for my body, and I know that it is a temple.
Listening and Singing Experiences:

Junior Primary/Senior Primary

Wiggle Song: If You're Happy (277)
Singing Time:
  1. Tom the Thankful Turkey (2 minutes): Introduce Tom the Thankful Turkey by explaining that he is thankful for music and how it can help us feel Heavenly Father's love. The Primary songs are written specifically for that! To feel God's love. We are going to write our favorite Primary songs on the back of each feather and sing those during this month. If your feather is chosen, you can choose how we are going to sing the song using our how to sing sticks. We may even get to sing some of the Primary songs more than once since we might have the same favorite song as someone else! Teachers, you get to participate as well! 
  2. Write Favorite Songs on Feathers (5 minutes): Have teachers help those who need it to write their names and favorite songs on their feather. While children are doing this, ask the pianist to play softly in the background some of her favorite songs. 
  3. Sing Some! (5 minutes) Sing as many as possible during time allotted.
  4. Children All Over the World (10 minutes): Before singing song to children show them the flags on the flipchart pages and have them guess the country as I say thank you in that language:
    • UNITED STATES (English)
    • GREAT BRITAIN (English)
    • SPAIN (Spanish)
    • TONGA (Tongan)
    • GERMANY (German)
    • DENMARK (Danish)
    • FRANCE (French)
    • JAPAN (Japanese) 
  5. Have the children repeat the "thank you" after each country. Sing just the different languages section together, at least twice. Sing the entire song with the children using flipchart.

Reverent Song (if time, or if necessary): Search, Ponder and Pray (109)

Nursery (following Jr. singing time, go into Nursery and sing any of the following songs with them)
  1. Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes
  2. Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam
  3. Book of Mormon Stories
  4. Popcorn Popping
  5. Wise Man and the Foolish Man
  6. Families Can Be Together Forever
  7. I Am a Child of God
  8. I Love to See the Temple
  9. My Heavenly Father Loves Me
  10. Fun to Do

Friday, August 30, 2013

September 29, 2013

Opening Song: He Sent His Son (p34)

Closing Song: I Know My Father Lives (p5)

Program Song Review: 
  • When I Hear the Prophet's Voice (the Friend)
  • If The Savior Stood Beside Me (Outline)
  • The Sacred Grove (124)
  • I Am a Child of God (2)
  • When I Am Baptized (103)
  • A Child's Prayer (12)
  • My Heavenly Father Loves Me (228)
  • Families Can Be Together Forever (188)
Wiggle Song, if needed: Fun to Do (p253) using Action Cards, children's choice
Identify the doctrine: Program Review! 

Listening and Singing Experiences:

Junior Primary/Senior Primary (now combined from here on out!)

Wiggle Song: Fun to Do (p253), children's choice

Review Time (5 minutes per song):
  1. RUN THROUGH the program. 
  2. Assess each song using the Ice Cream Poster. Work out any kinks along the way.
Nursery (following Jr. singing time, go into Nursery and sing any of the following songs with them)
  1. Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes
  2. Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam
  3. Book of Mormon Stories
  4. Popcorn Popping
  5. Wise Man and the Foolish Man
  6. Families Can Be Together Forever
  7. I Am a Child of God
  8. I Love to See the Temple
Closing Song: I Know My Father Lives (p5)

September 22, 2013

Opening Song: I Will Follow God's Plan (p164)
Reverent Song: Reverently, Quietly (p26)

Closing Song: Search, Ponder and Pray (p109)

Program Song Review: 
  • When I Hear the Prophet's Voice (the Friend)
  • If The Savior Stood Beside Me (Outline)
  • The Sacred Grove (124)
  • I Am a Child of God (2)
  • When I Am Baptized (103)
  • A Child's Prayer (12)
  • My Heavenly Father Loves Me (228)
  • Families Can Be Together Forever (188)
Wiggle Song, if needed: Fun to Do (p253) using Action Cards
Identify the doctrine: Program Review! 

Listening and Singing Experiences:

Junior Primary/Senior Primary (now combined from here on out!)

Wiggle Song: Fun to Do (p253), might use throughout Singing Time

Review Time (5 minutes per song):
  1. RUN THROUGH the program. 
  2. Assess each song using the Ice Cream Poster. Work out any kinks along the way.
Nursery (following Jr. singing time, go into Nursery and sing any of the following songs with them)
  1. Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes
  2. Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam
  3. Book of Mormon Stories
  4. Popcorn Popping
  5. Wise Man and the Foolish Man
  6. Families Can Be Together Forever
  7. I Am a Child of God
  8. I Love to See the Temple
Closing Song: Search Ponder and Pray (109)

September 15, 2013

Opening Song: If the Savior Stood Beside Me (Outline)
Reverent Song: Reverently, Quietly (p26)

Closing Song: The Sacred Grove (p124)

Program Song Review: 

  • When I Am Baptized (103)
  • A Child's Prayer (12)
  • My Heavenly Father Loves Me (228)
  • Families Can Be Together Forever (188)

Wiggle Song, if needed: Fun to Do (p253) using Action Cards
Identify the doctrine: Program Review! 

Listening and Singing Experiences:

Junior Primary/Senior Primary (now combined from here on out!)

Wiggle Song: Fun to Do (p253), might use throughout Singing Time

Review Time (5 minutes per song):

  1. Using the Ice Cream Poster, identify the songs we'll be working on today. Be sure to hype up the toppings we're working towards. (This is so-and-so's favorite topping!)
  2. When I Am Baptized - Ribbon Sticks 
  3. A Child's Prayer - How to Sing sticks
  4. My Heavenly Father Loves Me - Red Yarn, Green Yarn (Idea found here)
  5. Families Can Be Together Forever - And the Next Word Is...(Idea found here)
    • Sing the verses with the accompaniment. 
    • For the chorus, have the piano player play the melody and choose 3-5 places to stop. When she stops, the children have to identify the next word. Encourage the children to mouth the words or sing quietly along with the pianist.

Reverent Song (to be sung right before Gospel Instruction, if needed): Reverently, Quietly (p26)

Nursery (following Jr. singing time, go into Nursery and sing any of the following songs with them)
  1. Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes
  2. Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam
  3. Book of Mormon Stories
  4. Popcorn Popping
  5. Wise Man and the Foolish Man
  6. Families Can Be Together Forever
  7. I Am a Child of God
  8. I Love to See the Temple
Closing Song: The Sacred Grove (p124)

September 8, 2013

Opening Song: My Heavenly Father Loves Me (p228)
Reverent Song: Reverently, Quietly (p26)

Closing Song: Families Can Be Together Forever (p188)

Program Song Review: 

  • When I Hear the Prophet's Voice (the Friend)
  • If the Savior Stood Beside Me (Outline)
  • The Sacred Grove (124)
  • I Am a Child of God (2)

Wiggle Song, if needed: Fun to Do (p253) using Action Cards
Identify the doctrine: Program Review! 

Listening and Singing Experiences:

Junior Primary/Senior Primary (now combined from here on out!)

Wiggle Song: Fun to Do (p253), might use throughout Singing Time

Review Time (5 minutes per song):

  1. Using the Ice Cream Poster, identify the songs we'll be working on today. Be sure to hype up the toppings we're working towards. (This is so-and-so's favorite topping!)
  2. When I Hear the Prophet's Voice - I don't think the children know this song at all, so I'll be teaching it using the Echo technique (I sing a phrase, they sing it back to me, sing the song up to that point with me). 
  3. The Sacred Grove - How to Sing Sticks
  4. I Am a Child of God - Don't Sing the Word (omit keywords, display the words to omit on the board, clap in place of the word):
    • me (verse 1)
    • me, needs (verse 2)
    • me, blessings, will (verse 3)
    • me, promises, glory, endure (verse 4)
  5. If the Savior Stood Beside Me - _________ when you sing _________:
    • STAND when you sing SAVIOR----SAVIOR----ALWAYS
    • SIT DOWN when you sing FOLLOW----SHARE----BE
    • FOLD YOUR ARMS when you sing SAVIOR---SAVIOR----SAVIOR

Reverent Song (to be sung right before Gospel Instruction, if needed): Reverently, Quietly (p26)

Nursery (following Jr. singing time, go into Nursery and sing any of the following songs with them)
  1. Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes
  2. Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam
  3. Book of Mormon Stories
  4. Popcorn Popping
  5. Wise Man and the Foolish Man
  6. Families Can Be Together Forever
  7. I Am a Child of God
  8. I Love to See the Temple
Closing Song: I Know My Father Lives (p5)

September 1, 2013

Opening Song: I'm Trying to Be Like Jesus (p78)
Closing Song: I Know My Father Lives (p5)

Program Song Review: All Songs
Wiggle Songs: Fun to Do (p253) using Action Cards
Identify the doctrine: Heavenly Father Hears and Answers My Prayers (this month's song is A Child's Prayer) and REVIEW TIME! 

Listening and Singing Experiences:

Junior Primary/Senior Primary (now combined from here on out!)

Wiggle Song: Fun to Do (p253), might use throughout Singing Time
Review Time:
1. Introduce Ice Cream Motivation Poster: (mine will look something like this)
  • Explain to the children that the night before our Primary Program, we are going to have an ice cream party! Everyone will for SURE get a scoop of vanilla ice cream. But, how boring is just plain ice cream? We want toppings!
  • Ask children to list their favorite toppings (decide on 8, one for each song). Assign a topping to each song (I plan to have pre-printed and cut out pictures of toppings to attach to the poster). Explain that in order to have that topping at our party, we must be Super Singers (an idea I have used last year and this year) at singing that song. The better we sing the song, the higher up the musical note will go. When we are SUPER SINGERS, the note will reach the very top. That means we get to eat that topping at our party! But beware, if the following week we don't remember the words, the note can go back down.
2. Test Our Knowledge Time! 
  • Sing each of the 8 program songs to test the children's knowledge of the song. Be sure to go over the Super Singer poster before each song, reminding children they need to: 1. Know the words, 2. Smile, 3. Watch Me, 4. Sing loudly, but reverently (or quietly and reverently), 5. Keep hands to selves. 
  • Program Songs:
    • I Am a Child of God (2)
    • My Heavenly Father Loves Me (228)
    • If the Savior Stood Beside Me (outline)
    • The Sacred Grove (124)
    • When I Hear the Prophet's Voice (the Friend)
    • When I Am Baptized (p103)
    • Families Can Be Together Forever (188)
    • A Child's Prayer (12)
  • Invite one of the Primary Presidency to place the note according to our performance.
  • At the end, show children a calendar poster showing how many Sundays are left until our program. That way they can see how long we do or do not have to learn our songs! (We will have 4 Sundays before our party after today).
Reverent Song (to be sung right before Gospel Instruction): Reverently, Quietly (p26)

Nursery (following Jr. singing time, go into Nursery and sing any of the following songs with them)
  1. Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes
  2. Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam
  3. Book of Mormon Stories
  4. Popcorn Popping
  5. Wise Man and the Foolish Man
  6. Families Can Be Together Forever
  7. I Am a Child of God
  8. I Love to See the Temple
Closing Song: I Know My Father Lives (p5)

Saturday, August 24, 2013

August 25, 2013

Opening Song: Families Can Be Together Forever (p188)
Closing Song: Life is O'erflowing with Beautiful Things (the Friend)

Program Song Review: The Sacred Grove (p87), When I Am Baptized (p103), A Child's Prayer (p12), If the Savior Stood Beside Me (2013 Outline)
Wiggle Songs: Hinges (p266), If You're Happy (p277)
Identify the doctrine: Heavenly Father Hears and Answers My Prayers (this month's song is A Child's Prayer) and REVIEW TIME! 

Listening and Singing Experiences:

Junior Primary/Senior Primary (now combined from here on out!)

Wiggle Song: Hinges (266) OR If You're Happy (277)
Review Time:
  1. A Child's Prayer (12) - (from 2013 Sharing Time Outline)
    • Verse 1: Ask the children to listen for the words "there" and "prayer" as I sing the first two lines. Have the children touch their ears when they hear the words. Invite them to sing those lines with me. Use this same outline for the rest of the song, 2 lines at a time.
    • Verse 2: Sing the second verse a phrase at a time, and ask the children to repeat each phrase when I point to them. Then divide the children into 2 groups and ask one group to sing the first part of each phrase (for example, "Pray" and the other group to finish the phrase "He is there"). Invite all of the children to sing stand and sing, "Of such is the kingdom, the kingdom of heav'n".
  2. The Sacred Grove (87) - Use poster, retell story, sing once, identify 1-2 trouble spots/fix, sing again using roller coaster technique (kids move up and down with the music from crouching to standing).
  3. If the Savior Stood Beside Me (outline) - A few flipchart photos for reference on board, use sign language, sing through once, identify 1-2 trouble spots/fix, sing again.
Reverent Song: Search, Ponder and Pray (109)

Nursery (following Jr. singing time, go into Nursery and sing any of the following songs with them)
  1. Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes
  2. Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam
  3. Book of Mormon Stories
  4. Popcorn Popping
  5. Wise Man and the Foolish Man
  6. Families Can Be Together Forever
  7. I Am a Child of God
  8. I Love to See the Temple

Saturday, August 17, 2013

My leave of absence...

I've received a few emails inquiring if I've been released - nope! I've been on a maternity leave/vacation leave of sorts for the summer. Our son, Will was born April 27th - our family reunions in Utah and Idaho were big successes - my sister's wedding was beautiful - we loved the Dominican Republic - and now I'm back! It feels so good to be home, nearly 3 months of travel is way too much for one summer. I've heard my little primary has changed quite a bit in the past few months, so I am anxious to get back and get involved again. New posts will be on their way!

Saturday, April 20, 2013

April 21, 2013

Opening Song: I am a Child of God (p2)

Closing Song: My Heavenly Father Loves Me (p228)

Program Song: The Sacred Grove (p87)
Other Songs: The Priesthood is Restored (p89)
Wiggle Song: Hinges (p277)
Identify the doctrine: After Jesus Christ and the Apostles died, Gospel truths were lost. Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ appeared to Joseph Smith in latter-days to bring back the lost truths.

Help the children understand it: (use for both Jr and Sr): 

(2 minutes)

(Review from last week) Hold up a picture of Joseph Smith. Joseph Smith had an important question he wanted to ask Heavenly Father. He wanted to know which of all the churches was the right one. He decided to go to a special place, away from his home, to say his important prayer. It is called the Sacred Grove. 

Raise your hand if you know what "sacred" means. Call on children to answer. Be sure they understand it means special and holy; if we are in a sacred place we should be quiet, reverent, and respectful (just like we are in the Chapel or in the temple).

Today we are going to practice the song "the Sacred Grove" we started learning last week.

Listening and Singing Experiences:

Junior Primary/Senior Primary (see notes in red for Sr. Primary) 

The Sacred Grove (p87)
(10 minutes total)

  1. Ask the pianist to play through the song one phrase at a time as you review the poster pics...
  2. Ask the children to tell me what the song taught about each picture after you sing it. (Sr. Primary focused, still use if combined): Listen for keywords as they answer and add strips to poster under the corresponding picture. (Have keywords visible on board/extra poster board). Be sure they know what the "message" was that "answered all his fears and made his heart rejoice" (none of the churches were true, but they would restore the true church through Joseph)
  3. Verse 1:
    • “The Sacred Grove was green and fresh,”/ picture of the Sacred Grove
    • “The morning sun shone bright around,”/ picture of the sun
    • “As Joseph knelt in fervent prayer,” (sing twice) / picture of Joseph praying in the Sacred Grove
    • “Upon that sacred ground.”/ picture of the ground or of the Sacred Grove and point to the ground

      Verse 2 : 
    • “The Father and the Son appeared,”/ picture of the First Vision
    • “They spoke to him as with one voice,”/ picture of Father and Son and the number 1, word "voice"
    • “Their message answered all his fears,” (sing twice)/picture of church building
    • “And made his heart rejoice.”/picture of a heart
More review with piano:
  1. Invite the children to sing WITH me as I point to the pictures, singing as much as they can. 
  2. If you listen to the music, you'll hear that it has a lot of ups and downs. Let's hum the melody, and I'll show you the pitch leading (go SLOW), repeat each phrase twice before moving on.
  3. Sing the song a couple times through using pitch leading.
Invite children to return to their seats for the Wiggle Song: Hinges (p277)

The Priesthood is Restored (p89)
(5 minutes total) - Review from last week...

With piano:
  1. Tell the children that it was through Joseph Smith that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ restored, or brought back, the Priesthood to the earth. We're going to learn a song about it! 
  2. First, let me show you something important about leading music. When I turn my palm facing up, it means we are going to hold that note (sing an example), and when I close my hand, it means we stop singing (sing an example). 
  3. Our new song has 3 long "holds". Sing the song TO the children using leading techniques. Invite them to lead along with me.
  4. Let's find out how long we held each of those long notes! Tell children to keep the beat on their knees.  Sing SLOWLY, and when you come to the "hold", ask the children to count how many beats they did on their knees (6). Repeat with the rest of the song. The last note is tricky, it's not 6, but 12! (Forget the fermata for now).
Nursery (following Jr. singing time, go into Nursery and sing the following songs with them)
  1. Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes
  2. Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam
  3. Book of Mormon Stories
  4. Popcorn Popping
  5. Wise Man and the Foolish Man
  6. Families Can Be Together Forever
  7. I Am a Child of God

Saturday, April 13, 2013

April 14, 2013

Opening Song: I Will Follow God's Plan (p164)
Closing Song: I Know My Father Lives (p5)

Program Song: The Sacred Grove (p87)
Other Songs: The Priesthood is Restored (89)
Wiggle Song: Popcorn Popping (242) 
Identify the doctrine: After Jesus Christ and the Apostles died, Gospel truths were lost. Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ appeared to Joseph Smith in latter-days to bring back the lost truths.

Help the children understand it: (use for both Jr and Sr): 

(2 minutes)

Often times when we have questions we want to ask Heavenly Father, we go to a quiet place. In my home, I go in my room, shut the door, and kneel by my bed. But sometimes, if I need to make sure I am not disturbed or interrupted by Olivia or my husband, I take a drive to the ocean and find a quiet spot where there is no one else around to say my prayer. 

Think in your minds where you go to say your prayers. If you would like to share, raise your hand. 

Hold up a picture of Joseph Smith. Joseph Smith had an important question he wanted to ask Heavenly Father. He wanted to know which of all the churches was the right one. He decided to go to a special place, away from his home, to say his important prayer. It is called the Sacred Grove. 

Raise your hand if you know what "sacred" means. Call on children to answer. Be sure they understand it means special and holy; if we are in a sacred place we should be quiet, reverent, and respectful (just like we are in the Chapel or in the temple).

Today we are going to learn a song about the Sacred Grove and what happened there.

Listening and Singing Experiences:

Junior Primary/Senior Primary (see notes in red for Sr. Primary) 

The Sacred Grove (p87)
(10 minutes total)


  1. Invite children to sit at the front of the room. 
  2. Ask the children to listen for what the song teaches about each picture. Play "the Sacred Grove" on the CD player. As it plays, add the appropriate flipchart picture (one for each phrase).
  3. Ask the children to tell me what the song taught about each picture. With the Senior Primary only, listen for keywords as they answer and add strips to poster under the corresponding picture. (Have keywords visible on board/extra poster board). Be sure they know what the "message" was that "answered all his fears and made his heart rejoice" (none of the churches were true, but they would restore the true church through Joseph)
              Verse 1:
    • “The Sacred Grove was green and fresh,”/ picture of the Sacred Grove
    • “The morning sun shone bright around,”/ picture of the sun
    • “As Joseph knelt in fervent prayer,” (sing twice) / picture of Joseph praying in the Sacred Grove
    • “Upon that sacred ground.”/ picture of the ground or of the Sacred Grove and point to the ground

      Verse 2 : (Senior Primary Only)
    • “The Father and the Son appeared,”/ picture of the First Vision
    • “They spoke to him as with one voice,”/ picture of Father and Son and the number 1, word "voice"
    • “Their message answered all his fears,” (sing twice)/picture of church building
    • “And made his heart rejoice.”/picture of a heart
With piano:
  1. Sing the song TO the children, pointing to the pictures.
  2. Invite the children to sing WITH me as I point to the pictures, singing as much as they can. 
  3. If you listen to the music, you'll hear that it has a lot of ups and downs. Let's hum the melody, and I'll show you the pitch leading (go SLOW), repeat each phrase twice before moving on.
  4. Sing the song once through using pitch leading.
Invite children to return to their seats for the Wiggle Song: Popcorn Popping (p242)

The Priesthood is Restored (p89)
(5 minutes total) - just introducing, will work on it throughout year

With piano:
  1. Tell the children that it was through Joseph Smith that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ restored, or brought back, the Priesthood to the earth. We're going to learn a song about it! 
  2. First, let me show you something important about leading music. When I turn my palm facing up, it means we are going to hold that note (sing an example), and when I close my hand, it means we stop singing (sing an example). 
  3. Our new song has 3 long "holds". Sing the song TO the children using leading techniques. Invite them to lead along with me.
  4. Let's find out how long we held each of those long notes! Tell children to keep the beat on their knees.  Sing SLOWLY, and when you come to the "hold", ask the children to count how many beats they did on their knees (6). Repeat with the rest of the song. The last note is tricky, it's not 6, but 12! (Forget the fermata for now).
Nursery (following Jr. singing time, go into Nursery and sing the following songs with them)
  1. Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes
  2. Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam
  3. Book of Mormon Stories
  4. Popcorn Popping
  5. Wise Man and the Foolish Man
  6. Families Can Be Together Forever
  7. I Am a Child of God

Sunday, March 10, 2013

March 31, 2013 - Easter

Opening Song: Reverently, Quietly (p26)
Closing Song: Did Jesus Really Live Again? (p64)

Program Song: If the Savior Stood Beside Me (2013 outline, binder)
Wiggle Songs: Kids Choice! (choose 3-4 from name sticks)
Other Songs: I Know That My Savior Loves Me (binder)
Listening and Singing Experiences:

Junior Primary/Senior Primary

  1. Congratulate the children on their Easter performance! 
  2. Sing 3-4 wiggle songs, choosing children using the name sticks (or just call on kids, depending on how many are there)
  3. Review the song "If the Savior Stood Beside Me" using posters and the simplified ASL (don't show the video, just for reference):

I Know That My Savior Loves Me

Identify the doctrine: Our Savior Jesus Christ suffered for us in the Garden of Gethsemane, He died for us on the cross, and He was resurrected so that each of us will be resurrected one day.

Help children understand it: (Use at the end of the lesson, for "I Know That My Savior Loves Me") Today is Easter. It is the day when Jesus was resurrected. Bear testimony of the doctrine (identified above). I brought a special song and video to share with you today. It is called, I Know That My Savior Loves Me. As we watch and listen to it, I want you to pay attention to how you feel. I know that if you listen to the words and the beautiful music and look at the pictures, you will feel how much your Savior loves you. 

  1. Play the video:
  2. After the video, invite children to share how they felt. Also invite teachers/leaders to bear their testimonies of the Savior.
  3. Time permitting, sing the song again to/with the children using piano and flipchart.

Nursery (following Jr. singing time, go into Nursery and sing the following songs with them)
  1. Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes
  2. Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam
  3. Popcorn Popping
    And choose one of the following:
  4. I Love to See the Temple
  5. Families Can Be Together Forever
  6. I Am a Child of God

March 24, 2013

Opening Song: Did Jesus Really Live Again? (p64)
Closing Song: Jesus Has Risen (p70)

Program Song: If the Savior Stood Beside Me (2013 outline, binder)
Easter Song: He Sent His Son (p34)
Wiggle Songs: If You're Happy (p266)
Identify the doctrine: Heavenly Father sent His Son Jesus to teach and to show us how to return to live with Them. Jesus Christ taught the gospel and set an example for us. We should follow Him in what we do, how we think, and how we live, what we say and how we share the Gospel.

Listening and Singing Experiences:

Junior Primary/Senior Primary

Sing a wiggle song! (1 minute)

If the Savior Stood Beside Me - 2013 outline, binder
Lesson plan from Sugardoodle
(15 minutes total)

* 2 pictures of the Savior (included with the keyword posters)
If the Savior Stood Beside Me Keyword Posters Verse 1 (4 pieces of paper, all the same color, that have a large question mark on one side. On the opposite side write one of the keywords on each paper. Keywords are: do, think, follow, live.)
*If the Savior Stood Beside Me Keyword Posters Verse 2 (keywords: say, words, share, speak)
* Sign language for the 8 keywords (do, think, follow, live, say, words (could include true and kind), share, speak). Simplified ASL
* Magnets
* Picture sticks
* Chalk & eraser 
* Wordstrips (on construction paper): He, Him, He, His, I’ll, I, I’d, I.
  1. Review verse 1-2. Sing both verses using actions. Post pictures.
  2. Note: this lesson is divided into 2 parts, since my Jr and Sr primaries will be combined, the first half is geared for Jr and the second half for Sr.
  3. Tell the children the 3rd verse is a special verse. It's not the same as the other 2 verses. The first part of the verse talks about how Jesus is always near us even though we can't see him. Then the last part of the verse says "I'll be the kind of person that I know I'd like to be if I could see the Savior standing next to me". Remind them how each of us would probably act a lot better if Jesus was always standing right next to us.
  4. Pass out props (sticks). Tell the children expectations: the props are to be held this way, we keep them to ourselves, etc. 
  5. Sing the song using the sticks, showing the kids with my own stick what to do. Sing 2 more times, the children joining in when they can:
    • He is always near me: Hold picture of Jesus in front of you.
    • Though I do not see him there: Put picture behind your back.
    • And because He loves me dearly: Hold picture at your heart.
    • I am in His watchful care: Hold picture at chest with 2 hands, like you're hugging the picture.
    • So I'll be the kind of person: Flip stick to the picture of child.
    • That I know I'd like to be: Raise picture up into air as the notes go up on "know I'd like to be" (like they are growing up and getting taller)
    • If  I could see the Savior standing nigh: Flip the picture back to Jesus, bringing it slowly down in front of you.
    • Watching over me: Move picture slowly back up in the air, one note at a time (watch---ing---o---ver---me) This will help the children remember the ending is different.
  6. Senior focused review (Jr Primary can participate as much as possible, still using sticks to practice): Before singing time, write on the board the words of the 3rd verse, leaving blanks for wordstrips (He, Him, His, I'll, I, I'd, I). Have the wordstrips on the board in random order. Board should look like this:
    ______is always near me, though I do not see ______there, and because _____ loves me dearly, I am in ______ watchful care. So _____ be the kind of person that _____ know ______ like to be if ____ could see the Savior standing nigh, watch---ing---o---ver me------.
  7. Show the children the chalkboard and wordstrips. Tell the children you will sing the 3rd verse together and they are to listen and figure out which wordstrips go in which blanks. Sing the verse (Jr can use their sticks). Ask for 2 volunteers to fill in 2 of the wordstrips. Sing the phrases again to be sure they were right. Repeat with 2 new volunteers. There will be 1 wordstrip left, just add it to the board. 
  8. Time permitting, invite Jr. primary to erase words off the board and sing through a couple more times.
He Sent His Son - p34
(5 minutes total)

  1. Remind children that we're singing NEXT week! Also remind them that we will be in our old building and church starts at 9:30am.
  2. Quickly review the Super Singer poster.
  3. Sing through the song 2-3 times.

Nursery (following Jr. singing time, go into Nursery and sing the following songs with them)
  1. Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes
  2. Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam
  3. I Love to See the Temple
  4. Families Can Be Together Forever
  5. I Am a Child of God

March 17, 2013

Opening Song: He is Risen (p70)

Closing Song: Life is O'erflowing with Beautiful Things, vs 1 only (binder)

Program Song: If the Savior Stood Beside Me (2013 outline, binder)
Easter Song: He Sent His Son (p34)
Wiggle Songs: Stand Up (p278) 
Identify the doctrine: Jesus Christ taught the gospel and set an example for us. We should follow Him in what we do, how we think, and how we live, what we say and how we share the Gospel. (If the Savior Stood Beside Me). Jesus Christ was resurrected and we will be too. (He Sent His Son).

Listening and Singing Experiences: (same lesson plan for "If the Savior Stood Beside Me" as last week since I didn't get to it, kids needed a long wiggle break, lots of visitors and birthdays)

Junior Primary/Senior Primary

If the Savior Stood Beside Me - 2013 outline, binder
Lesson plan from Sugardoodle
(12 minutes total)

* 2 pictures of the Savior (included with the keyword posters)
If the Savior Stood Beside Me Keyword Posters Verse 1 (4 pieces of paper, all the same color, that have a large question mark on one side. On the opposite side write one of the keywords on each paper. Keywords are: do, think, follow, live.)
*If the Savior Stood Beside Me Keyword Posters Verse 2 (keywords: say, words, share, speak)
* 4 pieces of paper with a single large number written on each of them. They should be numbered 1-4.
* Magnets
* Sign language for the 8 keywords (do, think, follow, live, say, words (could include true and kind), share, speak). Simplified ASL

Verse 1:
  1. Ask the children if they remember the first phrase of the song. (If the Savior stood beside me). Get their answer and put the first picture of Christ on the board. Ask the kids when else we sing about the Savior (the end) and put the other picture of Christ on the other side of the board.
  2. Ask them how many questions are in between the pictures. (4) Post the 4 question marks. 
  3. Sing through 1 time, flipping over each question mark to reveal the keyword. 
  4. Sing through again, this time use the signs for the keywords.
Verse 2:
  1. Tell the children the 2nd verse starts and ends the same as the first verse. Sing each phrase. It also has 4 questions in the between the pictures. Ask, "what did all 4 questions in the first verse start with?" (would I) Tell them that in the 2nd verse, one of the questions starts with a different phrase.
  2. Tell them you are going to sing the 2nd verse and they are to listen for the question that starts with different words. When they hear it, they should touch their nose. Get their answer (would my).
  3. Sing through the song again and this time they are to listen for which question starts differently - the 1, 2, 3, or 4 question. When they know what question number it is, they are to show that number on their fingers.
  4. Get their answer (2), and post all 4 question marks on the board. Number 2 will be a different color.
  5. Sing the 2nd verse together 1 time, flipping over the question marks as you sing.
  6. Sing through the 2nd verse a second time, and this time use the signs for the keywords.
  7. Practice verse 2 by using Shamrocks (cut out of construction paper)with different ways to sing it on the backs. Place shamrocks around the room, draw sticks for kids to choose one. Continue to use signs for keywords and any simplified ASL appropriate.
Sing a wiggle song! (1 minute)

He Sent His Son - p34
(7 minutes total)

  1. Last week you sang He Sent His Son beautifully! We are going to review the song today and practice singing like "Super Singers" for our performance on Easter Sunday (the last Sunday of this month).
  2. How do each of the questions start? (How could the Father) How do each of the answers start? (He sent His Son)
  3. The end of the song is different. We ask 2 questions in a row (post on the board): "What does the Father ASK of us?" "What do the scriptures SAY?" (sing to the children) And there are 4 answers (post on the board): "Have faith, have hope, live like his Son, help others on their way" (sing to children). Sing questions and answers together.
  4. Sing through the song once, identify any trouble spots and clarify.
  5. Introduce Super Singer poster, practice singing until time is up.
Nursery (following Jr. singing time, go into Nursery and sing the following songs with them)
  1. Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes
  2. Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam
  3. I Love to See the Temple
  4. Families Can Be Together Forever
  5. I Am a Child of God

Saturday, March 9, 2013

March 10, 2013

Opening Song: My Heavenly Father Loves Me, both verses (p228)
Closing Song: Life is O'erflowing with Beautiful Things, vs 1 only (binder)

Program Song: If the Savior Stood Beside Me (2013 outline, binder)
Easter Song: He Sent His Son (p34)
Wiggle Songs: Stand Up (p278) 
Identify the doctrine: Heavenly Father sent His Son Jesus to teach and to show us how to return to live with Them. Jesus Christ taught the gospel and set an example for us. We should follow Him in what we do, how we think, and how we live, what we say and how we share the Gospel.

Listening and Singing Experiences:

Junior Primary/Senior Primary

He Sent His Son - p34
(12 minutes total)

  1. Tell children that for the Easter program during Sacrament Meeting this month (the last Sunday) we'll be singing the song, "He Sent His Son". In this song we ask a question and then we answer it. Today we are going to match the question with the answer and talk about each one.
  2. Method: Have posted the answers in mixed up order on the board. Put up the questions one at a time in the correct order.
  3. Sing and discuss each answer on the board with children first:
    • "He sent His Son, a newborn babe, with peace and holiness" (Briefly remind children of the Christmas story)
    • "He sent His Son to walk with men on earth, that we may know" (Teach children that Christ taught everywhere He walked. He walked with His disciples.)
    • "He sent His Son to die for us and rise with living breath" (Teach children that Christ was crucified and died for us. 3 days after He died, He was resurrected (that means His spirit came back into His body). Because Jesus died and was resurrected, when we die we too will be resurrected one day.
  4. The first question we ask is: "How could the Father TELL the world of love and tenderness?" (sing it, don't say it). Ask the children which answer they think goes with the question. Tell them to show which number question (1, 2 or 3) on their fingers. Sing the question and the answer together.
  5. The second question we ask is: "How could the Father SHOW the world the pathway we should go?" Ask the children which answer they think goes with the question. Tell them to show which number question (1 or 2) on their fingers. Sing the question and the answer together.
  6. The third question we ask is: "How could the Father TELL the world of sacrifice, of death?" Point out there's only one answer left! Sing the question and the answer together.
  7. How do each of the questions start? (How could the Father) How do each of the answers start? (He sent His Son)
  8. The end of the song is different. We ask 2 questions in a row (post on the board): "What does the Father ASK of us?" "What do the scriptures SAY?" (sing to the children) And there are 4 answers (post on the board): "Have faith, have hope, live like his Son, help others on their way" (sing to children). Sing questions and answers together.
  9. And at the very end we repeat a very important question (sing to children as you post on the board): "What does He ASK?" (Who's asking us? Heavenly Father). And then we answer (sing to children as you post on the board), "Live like His Son". Sing question and answers together.
  10. Sing through whole song once.
Sing a wiggle song! (1 minute)

If the Savior Stood Beside Me - 2013 outline, binder
Lesson plan from Sugardoodle
(7 minutes total)

* 2 pictures of the Savior (included with the keyword posters)
If the Savior Stood Beside Me Keyword Posters Verse 1 (4 pieces of paper, all the same color, that have a large question mark on one side. On the opposite side write one of the keywords on each paper. Keywords are: do, think, follow, live.)
*If the Savior Stood Beside Me Keyword Posters Verse 2 (keywords: say, words, share, speak)
* 4 pieces of paper with a single large number written on each of them. They should be numbered 1-4.
* Magnets
* Sign language for the 8 keywords (do, think, follow, live, say, words (could include true and kind), share, speak). Simplified ASL

Verse 1:
  1. Ask the children if they remember the first phrase of the song. (If the Savior stood beside me). Get their answer and put the first picture of Christ on the board. Ask the kids when else we sing about the Savior (the end) and put the other picture of Christ on the other side of the board.
  2. Ask them how many questions are in between the pictures. (4) Post the 4 question marks. 
  3. Sing through 1 time, flipping over each question mark to reveal the keyword. 
  4. Sing through again, this time use the signs for the keywords.
Verse 2:
  1. Tell the children the 2nd verse starts and ends the same as the first verse. Sing each phrase. It also has 4 questions in the between the pictures. Ask, "what did all 4 questions in the first verse start with?" (would I) Tell them that in the 2nd verse, one of the questions starts with a different phrase.
  2. Tell them you are going to sing the 2nd verse and they are to listen for the question that starts with different words. When they hear it, they should touch their nose. Get their answer (would my).
  3. Sing through the song again and this time they are to listen for which question starts differently - the 1, 2, 3, or 4 question. When they know what question number it is, they are to show that number on their fingers.
  4. Get their answer (2), and post all 4 question marks on the board. Number 2 will be a different color.
  5. Sing the 2nd verse together 1 time, flipping over the question marks as you sing.
  6. Sing through the 2nd verse a second time, and this time use the signs for the keywords.
  7. Practice verse 2 by using "how to sing" sticks, continue to use signs for keywords and any simplified ASL appropriate.
Nursery (following Jr. singing time, go into Nursery and sing the following songs with them)
  1. Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes
  2. Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam
  3. I Love to See the Temple
  4. Families Can Be Together Forever
  5. I Am a Child of God

Saturday, March 2, 2013

March 3, 2013

Opening Song: Choose the Right (Hymn 239)
Closing Song: I'm Trying to Be Like Jesus (p78)

Program Song: If the Savior Stood Beside Me (2013 outline, binder)
Wiggle Songs: Do As I'm Doing (p276) - as part of Gospel Instruction?, Stand Up (p278) 
Identify the doctrine: Jesus Christ taught the gospel and set an example for us. We should follow Him in what we do, how we think, and how we live.

Help the children understand it: (use for both Jr and Sr): 
(2 minutes)

Our opening song was “Choose the Right”. Is it hard to always choose the right? Do you think it
would be easier to choose the right if you had someone standing next to you each time you made a
decision? (you can hold up pictures for the next questions if you want)

What if your best friend was standing next to you?
What if the Primary President was standing next to you?
How about your mom or dad?
What if Jesus was standing next to you? Would it be easier to always choose the right?
We are going to learn a song called, “If the Savior Stood Beside Me”

Listening and Singing Experiences:

Junior Primary/Senior Primary (Lesson plan from Sugardoodle)

If the Savior Stood Beside Me - 2013 outline, binder
(14 minutes total)

* 2 pictures of the Savior (included with the keyword posters)
* If the Savior Stood Beside Me Keyword Posters (4 pieces of paper, all the same color, that have a large question mark on one side. On the opposite
side write one of the keywords on each paper. Keywords are: do, think, follow, live.)
* 4 pieces of paper with a single large number written on each of them. They should be numbered 1-4.
* Magnets
* Sign language for the 4 keywords (do, think, follow, live). Simplified ASL
* Optional: pictures of a friend, mom or dad and the Savior

(7 minutes)
  1. Ask the children to count the number of times you sing about the Savior standing beside you. (Do the actions for the keywords as you sing). Sing the 1st verse and get their answers (2 times).
  2. Point out that the first time you sang it was at the beginning of the song and the 2nd time you sang it was at the end of the song. Put a picture of the Savior at the far left side of the chalkboard and a picture of the Savior at the far right side of the chalkboard.
  3. Tell them that in between these two pictures the song asks us questions. Each question starts with “would I”. Ask them to listen for how many times you sing “would I”. Sing the verse and get their answers (4 times).
  4. Post on chalkboard in between the pictures of Jesus 4 papers that have one large question mark on each of them. 
  5. There are 4 questions between the two times we talk about the Savior standing next to us. Divide the children into 4 groups (could be 4 rows or by classes). Give each group a piece of cardstock that has a number on it. The papers should be numbered 1,2,3 & 4. Tell them each group is to listen for whichever question number they have. For example, the group with the #1 paper should listen for the first question you sing; the group with the #2 paper should listen for the second question you sing, etc.
  6. Sing the song, doing the actions for the keywords as you sing the first verse. Ask them for their answers. If they can’t remember the question, then sing the verse again. (For Jr. you may need to hold up your fingers 1-4 as you sing each question). As they tell you their correct answers, you can turn over the question marks on the board. Behind each question mark should be the keyword for that question.

    Keywords are: do, think, try, live
  7. Have everyone sing the first verse together and do the actions for the keywords.
  8. Practice the Verse. (7 min)
    If combined: To practice the first verse, have everyone sing together the phrases about the Savior standing beside them, (If the Savior stood beside me . . . . if I could see the Savior standing nigh watching over me) but then each group only sings the question that corresponds with their number. After you sing it through once, then take the numbered papers and hand them out to different groups so that the kids will be singing a different question this time. Sing again and repeat until all groups have sung the 4 different questions.
    If separate: How to sing sticks.
He Sent His Son - p34
2-3 minutes (enough to sing twice)
  1. Tell children that for the Easter program during Sacrament Meeting this month (the last Sunday) we'll be singing the song, "He Sent His Son".
  2. Sing through the song twice using flipchart. Sit for the first time through, review what a "Super Singer" looks and sounds like, sing second time through standing up as "Super Singers". 
Nursery (following Jr. singing time, go into Nursery and sing the following songs with them)
  1. Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes
  2. Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam
  3. I Love to See the Temple
  4. Families Can Be Together Forever
  5. I Am a Child of God